Thursday 3 August 2017


1) STIPULATE (स्टिप्युलेट) (verb) (शर्त लगानाप्रतिज्ञा करना)
Meaning: demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of a bargain or agreement.
Key word: St + Late { P for (promise) }
Mnemonics: I can Bet you es baar bhi St Late hi update hogi.
Synonyms: Bet, Promise, Pledge
Antonyms: Wish, Disagree,

2) STIMULATE (स्टिम्युलेट) (verb) (प्रोत्साहित करना)
Meaning: raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in (the body or any biological system).
Key word:  { M for (motivate)
Synonyms: Encourage, Promote, Excite
Antonyms: Discourage, Depress, Retard

3) IMPOVERISHED (इम्पोवेरिशेड) (verb) (दरिद्र बनानाशक्तिहीन करना)
Meaning: make (a person or area) poor.
Key word: Pover sounds like Poor
Synonyms: Poor, Penniless, Impecunious
Antonyms: Plentiful, Rich, Enriched

4) GIGANTIC (जाइगैन्टिक) (adjective) (अतिविशाल)
Meaning: of very great size or extent; huge or enormous.
Key word: Giant
Synonyms: Huge, Enormous, Colossal
Antonyms: Dwarf, Miniature, Little

5) KAFKAESQUE (कैफकेस्क) (अवास्तविक)
Meaning: unrealistic
Synonyms: awful, scary, agonizing, dismaying
Antonyms: normal, realistic, common, average

6) FIDELITY (फिडेलिटी) (noun) (स्वामिभक्ति)
Meaning: faithfulness to a person, cause, or belief, demonstrated by continuing
loyalty and support.
Key word: Dell + IT
Mnemonics: Dell Company IT sector ki swamibhakt company hai.
Synonyms: Loyalty, Obedience, Devotion
Antonyms: Disloyalty, Treachery

7) DESPICABLE (डिस्पिकेबल) (adjective) (तिरस्कार योग्य)
Meaning: deserving hatred and contempt.
Key word: This (Des) + Pic
Mnemonics: This Pic is Detestable.
Synonyms: Loathsome, Detestable, Awful
Antonyms: Honorable, Likeable, Loveable

8) SOPHISTICATED (सफिस्टिकेटेड) (adjective) (जटिलकृत्रिम)
Meaning: (of a machine, system, or technique) developed to a high degree of complexity.
Synonyms: Complicated, Difficult, Intricate
Antonyms: Easy, Simple

9) EXCHEQUER (एक्सचेकर) (noun) (राजकोष)
Meaning: a royal or national treasury.
Mnemonics: Ex-Cheque now becomes a treasure.
Synonyms: Fund, Treasury

10) ONUS (ओनस) (noun) (कर्तव्य)
Meaning: used to refer to something that is one's duty or responsibility.
Mnemonics: The burden of work is now on us and it becomes our responsibility.
Synonyms: Responsibility, Obligation, Liability
Antonyms: Aid, Help, Irresponsibility

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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