Meaning: a person who physically attacks another.
Key word: Ass + Ant
Mnemonics: Ass ne Ant par attack kia.
Synonyms: Attacker, Invader, Assaulter
Antonyms: Savior, Defender, Saver
2) ENVIABLE (एन वी एबल) (adjective) (गहरी/ लोभ्य)
Meaning: arousing or likely to arouse envy.
Key word: Envy (जलन/ ईर्ष्या)
Mnemonics: Envy becomes Enviable with the time passes.
जलन समय के साथ साथ और भी गहरी हो जाती है।
Synonyms: Desirable, Covetable, Admirable
Antonyms: Undesirable, Unlucky, Unenviable
3) VYING (वाईंग) (adjective) (प्रतिरोधी)
Meaning: compete eagerly with someone in order to do or
achieve something.
Key word: वाईंग (वाइन)
Mnemonics: मेरे प्रतिरोधी ने मुझे वाइन पिला कर बदनाम किआ।
Synonyms: Remonstrant, Opponent, Antagonist
Antonyms: Ally, Associate, Helper
4) MANEUVER (मैन यू वर) (verb) (पैंतरेबाजी)
Meaning: carefully guide or manipulate (someone or
something) in order to achieve an end/ carefully planned or cunning scheme or
Key word: Man + UV (Yuvraj)
Mnemonics: This Man is great fan of UV. उसने UV से मिलने के लिए तिकड़मबाजी की।
Synonyms: Trick, Alacrity, Scheme, Manipulate
Antonyms: Inactivity, Honesty, Ignorance
5) HAMSTRING (हैम स्ट्रींग) (verb) (पंख काटना)
Meaning: severely restrict the efficiency or effectiveness
Key word: Hammer (Ham) + Wing (Ing)
Mnemonics: Farmer ne Hammer maar kr bird k Wings kaat diye (पंख काट दिए).
Synonyms: Hinder, Enfeeble, Weaken
Antonyms: Strengthen, Revitalize, Empower
6) REVEL (रै वेल) (verb) (आनंद लेना)
Meaning: to spend time enjoying yourself in a noisy and
enthusiastic way.
Mnemonics: Rebels (विद्रोही) felt Revel (आनंद) after taking Revenge (बदला).
Synonyms: Enjoy, Delight, Relish
Antonyms: Gloom, Melancholy
7) OBSTINATE (ऑब्स-टी-नैट) (adjective) (ज़िद्दी)
Meaning: stubbornly refusing to change one's opinion of
chosen course of action
Key word: OB ST Ni dega
Mnemonics: OB ne Zidd mai aakr ye decision Lia ki ab vo kisi
Ko ST provide Ni krenge. (It's a request don’t take it seriously its just
Synonyms: Stubborn, Persistent, Tenacious
Antonyms: Soft, Flexible, Cooperative
8) PERSECUTED (पर-सी-क्यू-टिड) (verb) (सताना/ अत्याचार करना)
Meaning: subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment,
especially because of their race or political or religious beliefs.
Key word: Upar (Per) Se Cut
Mnemonics: एक तो पहले ही चोट लगी है ऊपर (Per) से (Se) डॉक्टर ने पट्टी बांधते हुए कैची से कट (Cut) और मार दिया ।
Synonyms: Torture, Ill-treat, Harm
Antonyms: Aid, Soothe, Protect
9) ELOQUENT (एलो क्वेंट) (adjective) (
Meaning: fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
Mnemonics: My Opponent is very Eloquent.
Synonyms: Silver tongued, Impressive, Glib, Outspoken
Antonyms: Dull, Ineffective, Unenthusiastic
10) STAID (स्टेड) (adjective) (शांत/ स्थिर)
Meaning: serious-minded, respectable, quiet/ not amusing
or interesting; boring and old-fashioned; boredom
Key word: Aid
Mnemonics: After getting first- Aid he felt Calm and Stable.
Synonyms: Calm, Sedate, Static
Antonyms: Excited, Frivolous, Adventurous
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