Monday, 11 September 2017


1) SATIATE (से शिएट) (adjective)  (पूरा करना/ तृप्त करना)
Meaning: satisfied to the full; satiated.
Key word: Sati + Ate (eat)
Mnemonics: Sati was very hungry. In the end Sati Ate the food made by her mother’s hand which satiated her.
Synonyms: Fill, Satisfies, Replete
Antonyms: Dissatisfy, Empty, Exhaust

2) RETRACT (री ट्रैक्ट(verb) (इनकार करना/ राय बदलना)
Meaning: draw or be drawn back or back in.
Key word: Two friends went for jogging and in between they changed their opinion and track (Trac).
Synonyms: Go back on, Abnegate, Renounce
Antonyms: Admit, Agree, Go forward

3) TANDEM (टेंडेम ) (adjective) (मिलकर)
Meaning: having two things arranged one in front of the other.
Key word: Ten Dam
Mnemonics: TEN DAMS k water se milkar electricity generate hui.
Synonyms: Arrangement, Team, Pair
Antonyms: Single

4) COINCIDE (को इनसाइड) (verb) (संयोग)
Meaning: occur at or during the same time.
Key word: Coincident
Synonyms: Simultaneously, Concurrent, Concur. Coexist
Antonyms: Antedate, Precede, Follow

5) STEEP (स्टीप) adjective) (खड़ी/ ढालुआँ)
Meaning: (of a slope) rising or falling sharply
Key word: Deep
Mnemonics: These Stairs are very Slant and deep.
Synonyms: Hilly, Perpendicular, Slanted
Antonyms: Straight, Easy

6) SMUG  (स्मग) (adjective) (आत्मसन्तुष्ट)
Meaning: having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
Key word: Mug
Mnemonics: This MUG is my lucky mug whenever I take coffee in it I feel self-satisfaction.
Synonyms: Self-satisfied, Conceited, Self-congratulatory
Antonyms: Diffident, Self-doubting, Timid

7) EERILY (ईरीली) (adverb) (डरते हुए)
Meaning: frightfully
Key word: Fearfully
Mnemonics: She cried eerily and fearfully.
Synonyms: Awfully, Creepily
Antonyms: Delightfully, Normally

8) PLIGHT (प्लाईट) (noun) (दुर्दशा)
Meaning: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.
Key word: Flight
Mnemonics: This picture, in newspaper, shows the Plight of the passengers in plane crash.
Synonyms: Difficulty, Trouble, Predicament
Antonyms: Good fortune, Boon, Advantage

9) EMPATHY (ऐम पिथि) (noun) (सहानुभूति)
Meaning: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Key word: Sympathy
Synonyms: Compassion, Sympathy, Warmth
Antonyms: Disdain, Hatred, Apathy

10) HOUNDED (हाउंड) (verb) (पीछा)
Meaning: harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly.
Mnemonics: I found that I was hounded by a stranger.
Synonyms:  Pursue, Hassle, Chase
Antonyms: Ignore, Support, Aid

#Satiate #Retract #Tandem #Coincide #Steep #Smug #Eerily #Plight #Empathy #Hounded

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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