Thursday 6 July 2017


Nowadays vocabs is the main tool to crack any exam and you will have to learn more and more words and have to use in daily conversation so that it will remain in your mind forever.

Here I am posting some important words from The Hindu's Newspaper.

1. Abolition(उन्मूलन/ अंत / समाप्ति)
Synonyms :- destruction, revocation, eradication, termination, overthrow
Antonyms :- confirmation, establishment, legalization

Synonyms :- excuse, forgive, ignore, disregard
Antonyms :- condemn , forbid , deter

Synonyms :- rejudicial, damaging, adverse, harmful
 Antonyms:- Helpful, beneficial

Synonyms :-  proposal, proffer, suggestion, invitation
Antonyms:- Denial, rejection

5.Languish(कम होना/दुर्बल होना)
Synonyms :- dwindle, decline, grieve, waste
Antonyms:- develop, strengthen, flourish

6.Elude(हाथ न आना/बच निकालना)
Synonyms :- circumvent, dodge, evade, fudge, hedge
Antonyms:- confront, encounter

7.Scrupulously(ईमानदारी से)
Synonyms :- conscientiously, religiously, carefully, devotedly
Antonyms:- Dishonest, unscrupulous

Synonyms :- erratic, variable, sketchy, irregular, bizarre
Antonyms:- complete, comprehensive

Synonyms :- energetic, vigorous, responsive, vital, vivacious
Antonyms:- spiritless, dull

10. Ambit ( सीमा/ परिधि)
Synonyms :- boundary, limitations, range
Antonyms:- limitless

11. Recede
Meaning: Pull back or move away or backward
Synonym: subside, ebb, taper
Antonym: forge, ascend, prolong

Meaning: a small quantity of a particular thing, especially something desirable or valuable
Synonym: particle, degree, speck, fragment, scrap,

Meaning: sacrilegious against God or sacred things; profane.
Synonym: irreligious, irreverent, impious, ungodly,
Antonym: reverent

Meaning: a person who collects or has a great love of books
Synonym: book lover, bookworm

Meaning: relating to, used for, or prescribing the punishment of offenders under the legal system.
Synonym: disciplinary, punitive, corrective,
Antonym: compensatory; acquitting,

Meaning: severe in manner
Synonym: exacting, formal, cold
Antonym: flexible, bland, calm

Meaning: Traitor
Synonym: Backslider, defector, deserter
Antonym: adherent, loyalist, faithful

Meaning: A conversation especially a formal one
Synonym: parley, conference, clambake
Antonym: quiet, silence

Meaning: assign an inferior rank or position to.
Synonym: downgrade, lower,
Antonym: upgrade, promote

20. Vociferous
Meaning: expressing or characterized by vehement opinions.
Synonym: vehement, outspoken, vocal, forthright

Happy Learning and keep sharing . Please like and post your valuable comments here so that I'd get an idea what you think about this post. 🙂

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