Thursday 6 July 2017


1) Absence of any form of political authority or government: Anarchy

2) Both introvert and extrovert:- Ambivert

3) Selfless concern for the welfare of others:- Altruist

4) To turn friends into enemies:- Alienate

5) A person who is able to use both hands with equal skill:- Ambidextrous

6) One who studied the complete history of mankind:- Anthropologist

7) A group of vehicles traveling together:- Convoy

8) A bad tempered person:- Curmudgeon

9) A politician who rouses people's feelings for own benefit:- Demagogue

10) A person in-charge of museum:- Curator

11) A state of emotional or intellectual separation:- Alienation  (अलगाव की भावना)

12) A place where animals are slaughtered:- Abattoir (कसाईखाना)

13) A man with abnormal habits:- Eccentric (विलक्षण)

 14) Incapable of being corrected:- Incorrigible (असुधार्य/ असंशोधनीय)

15) Incapable of being repaired:- Irreparable (जिसे सुधारा न जा सके)

16) Incapable of being read:- Illegible (जो पढ़ा न जा सके)

17) Incapable of being avoided:-  Inevitable (जो टल न सके)

18) Incapable of being practised:- Impracticable (अव्यावहारिक)

19) One, too strong to be overcome:- Invincible (अपराजेय)

20) That cannot be erased:- Indelible (जो मिट न सके)

Happy Learning and pls keep sharing...

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