Sunday, 16 July 2017


1) SLID (गिरावट) (3rd Vorm of Slide)
Key word: Slip
Mnemonics: I slipped from slides.
Synonyms: Lapse, Slip, Fall, Decadence
Antonyms: Spur, Growth, Flourish

2) DECELERATE (धीमा करना)
Key word: Opposite of Accelerate 🏍
Synonyms: Slow down, Delay, Reduce speed
Antonyms: Accelerate, Speed up, Sharpen

3) CAVEAT (चेतावनी)
Key word: CEAT Tyres 🏍
Mnemonics: CEAT tyres 🏍 use karne vale tooti footi road ki Warnings 🚳 se nahi darte.
Synonyms: commonition, admonition, caution, alarm
Antonyms: consonance, rashness, temerity

4) EMBALM (सुरक्षित रखना/ बचाकर रखना)
Key word: End(Last)+Balm
Mnemonics: This is the last bottle of Balm please Save it.🙂
Synonyms: Preserve, Save, Mummify
Antonyms: Destroy, Ruin, Hurt

5) INFRINGEMENT ( उल्लंघन)
Key Word: FRIDGE 🗄
Mnemonics: Mumma ordered me not to open 🚫 the Fridge but I violated her order. 😔
Synonyms: Violation, Disobedience, Contravene
Antonyms: Obey, Comply, Adhere

6) ARDUOUS (कठिन)
Key word: HARD + OUS
Mnemonics: this work is HARD for OUS.
Synonyms: Herculean, Difficult, Cumbersome, Ponderous
Antonyms: Easy, Convenient

7) SPUR (उछाल)
Key word: Spring
Mnemonics: Spring par Sab chiz uchal (उछल) jati hai .
Synonyms: Trigger, Stimulate, Fire up
Antonyms: Slow down, Deceleration

8) INIMICAL (विरोधी, शत्रु)
Key word: Sounds like Enemy
Mnemonics: Ani (Ini) and Mical are Enemy.
Synonyms: Opponent, Opposed, Hostile, Malevolent
Anonymous: Amicable, Friendly, Amiable

9) PIVOTAL (अत्यधिक महत्वपूर्ण)
Key word: Revital
Mnemonics: Revital plays PIVOTAL role in stay fit and stay active
Synonyms: Crucial, Vital, Essential
Antonyms: Negligible, Trivial

10) SCABROUS ( रुक्ष, खुरखुरा)
Key word: Scrubber
Mnemonics: Scrubber is very SCABROUS.
Synonyms: Harsh, Scratchy, Surly
Antonyms: Smooth, Soft, Kind

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends


  1. tnku very much. but how can get ur post daily. i m not getting it by finding in google

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