Friday, 14 July 2017


1) INCARCERATION (कैद कर देना)
Key word: IN-CAR
Mnemonics: He LOCKED (बंद करना/ कैद करना) me IN CAR .
Synonyms: Captivity, Arrest, Confinement
Antonyms: Free, Liberty

2) Indigent (जरूरतमंद, दरिद्र)
Mnemonics: In INDIA, AGENTS helps NEEDY(जरूरतमंद) people.
Synonyms: Needy, Poor, Impoverished
Antonyms: Rich, Wealthy, Affluent

3) Startling (चौकाने वाला)
Key word: Start
Mnemonics: Starting lines of Chatur's speech in 3 idiots was shocking.
Synonyms: Surprising, Astonishing, Shocking
Antonyms: Calming, Comforting, Soothing

4) RUDIMENTARY CARE (प्राथमिक देखभाल)
Keyword: Orthodox ( rudivaadi)
Mnemonics: Orthodox (rudivaadi) people prefer RUDIMENTARY CARE  (प्राथमिक देखभाल) .
Synonyms: (Basic/Fundamental/Primary) treatment
Antonyms: (Advance/ Secondary) treatment

5) SEVERELY (जोर से, निर्दयता से)
Key word: SERVANT
Mnemonics: Servant hates HARSH behaviour.
Synonyms: Roughly, Rigorously, Harshly
Antonyms: Compassionately, Lightly, Mildly

6) Surmise (अनुमान, संदेह)
Key word: Surprise
Mnemonics: I have Surprise for you. Guess (अनुमान) what's this.
Synonyms: Assumption, Notion, Inference
Antonyms: Measurement, Knowledge, Wonder

7) SIMMERING (धीरे धीरे पकना)
Meaning: a state or temperature just below the boiling point.
Key word: Simmer sounds like Summer
Mnemonics: In Summer season people feels, like they are Simmering.
Synonyms: Boil, be angry, be agitated
Antonyms: Cool, Calm

8) ANIMUS (विरोधपूर्ण भावना)
Key word: ANI + MUSTard Seeds
Mnemonics: ANI HATES MUSTARD seeds.
Synonyms: Hate, Antipathy, Antagonism
Antonyms: Love, Respect, Admire

9) Untoward (अप्रिय)
Key word: Run Toward
Mnemonics: I run Towards him in inappropriate (अनुचित) manner.
Synonyms: Annoying, Awkward, Inappropriate
Antonyms: Acceptable, Decent, Appropriate

10) STARK (पूर्ण रूप से) adverb
Meaning: Complete, sheer
Key word: Star fish + Shark
Mnemonics: Star fish and shark eats their prey completely (पूरी तरह से).
Synonyms: Fully, Absolutely, and Utterly
Antonyms: Incomplete, Little bit

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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