Mnemonics: kisi K TRANSfer k samay
us par Aggression (आक्रमण)
(GRESSION) karna पाप hai .
(GRESSION) karna पाप hai .
Synonyms: Sin, Guilt, Misdeed
Antonyms: Good deed, Obedience
2) LACUNA (कमी)
Key word: Lack
Synonyms: Lack, Scarcity, Paucity
Antonyms: Abundance, Plenty
3) ANIMOSITY(दुश्मनी)
Mnemonics: There is strong hostility
or ANIMOSITY between ANI and my MOSI ji.
Synonyms: Enmity, Aversion,
Rancour, Resentment
Antonyms: Friendship, Love,
Politeness, Flattery
4) BRINKMANSHIP (अस्थिरता)
Meaning: the art or practice of
pursuing a dangerous policy to the limits of safety before stopping, especially
in politics.
Mnemonics: Brick (BRINK) girte hi vo
MAN SHIP se अस्थिर
gir gaya.
Synonyms: Instability, Fluctuation,
Antonyms: Stability, Consistency
5) ENGROSSED (तल्लीन/ डूबा हुआ)
Key Word: ROSE
Mnemonic: jab se Engel k bf ne use
ROSE dia hai vo usi k pyar mai डूबी हुई hai.
Synonyms: Absorbed, Involved,
Antonyms: Bored, Uninterested,
6) GLITCH (गड़बड़)
Key Word: Clutch
Mnemonics: bike thk se nahi chal
Rahi lagta hai Clutch (GLITCH) mai kuch PROBLEM hai.
Synonyms: Error, Problem, Flaw
Antonyms: Perfection,
7) TANTAMOUNT (बराबर)
Mnemonics: TEN TEN AMOUNT sabko बराबर बराबर de do.
Synonyms: Equal, Alike, Same
Antonyms: Different, Opposite,
8) PONDEROUS (बोझिल/कष्टकारक)
Mnemonics: POND mai geela hone k
baad geele kapde utaarna bht मुश्किल/ बोझिल ho jata hai.
Synonyms: Cumbersome, Heavy
Antonyms: Easy, Convenient
9) CONTEMPLATE ( विचार करना/ चिंतन करना)
9) CONTEMPLATE ( विचार करना/ चिंतन करना)
Mnemonics: mai soch Raha hu ( विचार करना) itni achhi TEMPLATE CON
(kon) banata hai.
Synonyms: Ponder, Consider
Antonyms: Neglect, Disregard
10) UMPTEEN (अनेक)
Mnemonics: हम (UM) तीन (TEEN) मिल गए तो हो जायेंगे एक से *अनेक*।
Synonyms: Indefinite, Many, Numerous,
Antonyms: Single, Definite
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