Wednesday, 22 February 2017


“WHITE CHALK AND DUSTER” coded as “33#G 33&G 23%M 57@T
“DAVID WILLIAM CALL AMY” coded as “22%L 26@Z 17&Z 58#H
“CYCLE AIR DUST WALK” coded as “10%H 17#Z 50&X 37@T”
“COLLEGE WATER DANGER ADVENTURE” coded as “64&N 26#Z 85%C 37@Z

1) What is the code for CYCLE?
a) 10%H
b) 17#Z
c) 50&X
d) 37@T
2) What is the code for ADVENTURE?
a) 64@N
b) 26#Z
c) 85%C
d) 37@Z
3) What would be the code for CLOCK?
a) 37@K
b) 37&K
c) 37%k
d) 37#K
4) What would be the code for WELL DONE ANTHONY CARL
a) 21@D 31#N 63&M 17%Z
b) 63@M 17#Z 31%N 21&D
c) 21#D 63%M 31@N 17&Z
d) 17%Z 63#M 31&N 21@D

5) What is the code for AMY?
a) 22%L
b) 58#H
c) 17&Z
d) 26@Z

“GREEN CASH SEAL NEEDLE” coded as “70%S 48@P 32#L 30*K”
“DARE SIGN VILLAGE GRASS” coded as “95%X 35$L 56@R 20&I”
“NEAR DAM CAVES VAST” coded as “72*V 95#X 39&P 80$X”
“TIGER VOLTAGE TOKEN CHIMPANZEE” coded as “90!W 50#O 70!S 35$L”

6) What is the code for CAVES?
a) 72*V
b) 39&P
c) 80$X
d) 95#X

7) What is the code for VOLTAGE?
a) 90!W
b) 50#O
c) 70!S
d) 35$L

8) What would be the code for CANARA?
a) 6#G
b) 6*G
c) 6#H
d) 6*H

9) What would be the code for GREEN SCREEN VOICE?
a) 25$J 84%T 70@S
b) 84@T 70$S 25%J
c) 25$J 84@T 70%S
d) 70%S 84$T 25@J

10) What is the code for GRASS?
a) 95%X
b) 35$L
c) 56@R
d) 20&I

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