Tuesday 21 February 2017


Vocabulary must be very strong to crack any exam and repetition is a good way to learn something for forever. So it is my advice to you not only read these words but also write down these words and learn them daily. Or if u don't wanna write then just read daily all the words until they saved in your memory.

1) Pulverize (टुकड़े  करना ) : reduce to fine parts / crumble /crush
2) Turmoil (उथल पुथल ): a state of great disturbance / confusion / uncertainty
3) Thrive ( फलना -फूलना ): grow or develop well / flourish / prosper / blossom
4) Deteriorate (क्षय होना ): become progressively worse / descend / fall / diminish
5) Strive (प्रयास करना ): make great efforts to achieve something / practice / endeavor
6) Incongruous ( बेमेल ): inappropriate/ incompatible / unsuitable
7) Rapt (मगन हो जाना ): addicted / devoted / completely fascinated or absorbed by what is one hearing or seeing
8) Pious (पवित्र ): holy / godly / religious / sacred / spiritual
9) Dampen ( गीला  करना, निरुत्साह करना ): make slightly wet / make less strong or intense / disappointment / dishearten
10) Appease ( संतुष्टि ): relieve or satisfy / calm / quiet
11) Aberration ( पतन ): downfall / decline / deviation
12) Benchmark ( चिन्ह, नमूना ): level / point of reference / norm
13) Sabbatical ( विश्राम ): a period of paid leave
14) Entice ( लुभाना ): attract by offering pleasure or advantage / tempt / lure / cajolement
15) Extempore ( बिना तैयारी के ): spoken without preparation / impromptu / ad lib 

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