Thursday, 23 February 2017


(उन्मादपूर्ण ): fast and energetic / hyperactive / ecstatic
2) BUOYANCY(उछाल): boom / float ability / elasticity / excess  
3)INDEMNITY (भरपाई): compensation / reimbursement / quid pro quo
4) BONAFIDE (वास्तविक / प्रामाणिक): authentic / genuine / real / legal
5) OBNOXIOUS (अप्रिय): heinous / very unpleasant / despicable / offensive
6) COUNTERFEIT (नकली / जाली): fake / imitative / false / artificial
7) IMPEDIMENT (बाधा / रूकावट): hindrance / obstacle / barrier /
8) ENJOIN (हुक्म चलाना):  instruct / urge / encourage / admonish / order
9) ABHOR (घृणा): detest / hate / loathe / abominate
10) ABSURD (बेतुका): irrelevant / incoherent / ridiculous / idiotic
11) IMPETUS (प्रेरणा): encouragement / spur / inspiration
12) BREVITY (संक्षिप्तता): summary / briefness / shrinkage / short
13) OBSTINATE (ज़िद्दी): stubborn / adamant / persistent
14) DISDAIN (तिरस्कार करना): disrespect / scorn / reproach
15) PUTRID (सड़ा हुआ): rotten / decayed / malodorous


This is the new pattern of coding decoding and for decode this code you will have to use your brain wisely and smartly. Because friends this is not so easy to crack this code. In other words, we can say it is a good exercise for your brain.

Here in this post I provide 2 coded case so that if you see this type of coding decoding questions in exam you could solve them easily.
So let’s start and try to solve these questions. 
Solution link of these questions is given below of this post. 

“DEFINITE CLEAR WINDOW BANK” is coded as “1$13, 28@9, 24%46, 6#21”
“MOBILE GADGET GLOW BRIGHT” is coded as “15%30, 6&27, 29@18, 9&22”
“CRACK NUT BREAK FEAR” is coded as “1$14, 6$13, 21&34, 6#24”
“EITHER CIRCLE PARTICULAR LINE” is coded as “32#34, 14@17, 19#23, 14@8”

1) What is the code for DEFINITE?
a) 1$13
b) 28@9
c) 24%46
d) 6#21

2) What is the code for BREAK?
a) 1$14
b) 6$13
c) 21&34
d) 6#24

3) What is the code for GADGET?
a) 15%30
b) 6&27
c) 29@18
d) 9&22

4) What would be the code for FLOWER?
a) 9@24
b) 9#24
c) 24#9
d) 24@9

5) What would be the code for FACEBOOK?
a) 36$21
b) 36&21
c) 21@36
d) 21#36

“LAPTOP FOR SMART WORK” is coded as “9%15, 11$16, 8@15, 6#1”
“USEFUL SIMILAR OVER PICNIC” is coded as “7@20, 10&19, 2$47, 7$18”
“SOME GRASS DOOR FLOWERS” is coded as “11#1, 4@20, 6&20, 11@30”
“BLESSED CHILD AND FAMILY” is coded as “5$10, 10&10, 5#9, 13@1”

6) What is the code for FAMILY?
a) 5$10
b) 10&10
c) 5#9
d) 13@1

7) What is the code for SOME?
a) 11#1
b) 4@20
c) 6&20
d) 11@30

8) What would be the code for “CLOUD AND RAIN”?
a) 1&15, 13%1, 17$10
b) 13@1, 1%15, 17#10
c) 17#10, 13%1, 1@15
d) 13%1, 1#15, 17@10

9) What would be the code for CHAIR FOR COMFORT?
a) 5%10, 9&15, 12#30
b) 9%15, 12&30, 5$10
c) 12&30, 9%15, 5#10
d) 12$30, 5#10, 9%15

10) What is the code for “GRASS” and “OVER”?
a) 4@20, 5#9
b) 7@20, 11#1
c) 4#20, 5@9
d) 11@1, 7#20


This is the new pattern of coding decoding and for decode this code you will have to use your brain wisely and smartly. Because friends this is not so easy to crack this code. In other words, we can say it is a good exercise for your brain.
Here in this post I provide 2 coded cases and explained these codes step by step so that if you see this type of coding decoding questions in exam you could solve them easily.
So let’s start and see these questions and their solutions.

“DEFINITE CLEAR WINDOW BANK” is coded as “1$13, 28@9, 24%46, 6#21”
“MOBILE GADGET GLOW BRIGHT” is coded as “15%30, 6&27, 29@18, 9&22”
“CRACK NUT BREAK FEAR” is coded as “1$14, 6$13, 21&34, 6#24”
“EITHER CIRCLE PARTICULAR LINE” is coded as “32#34, 14@17, 19#23, 14@8”

1) What is the code for DEFINITE?
a) 1$13
b) 28@9
c) 24%46
d) 6#21

Solution 1: B
Total of Vowels (E+I+I+E) = 5+9+9+5 = 28
Addition of 1st and Last letter (D+E) = 4+5 = 9
Code for last letter (E) = @
So code for DEFINITE is 28@9

2) What is the code for BREAK?
a) 1$14
b) 6$13
c) 21&34
d) 6#24

Solution 2: B
Total of Vowels (E+A) = 5+1 = 6
Addition of 1st and Last letter (B+K) = 2+11 = 13
Code for last letter (K) = $
So code for BREAK is 6$13

3) What is the code for GADGET?
a) 15%30
b) 6&27
c) 29@18
d) 9&22

Solution 3: B
Total of Vowels (A+E) = 1+5 = 6
Addition of 1st and Last letter (G+T) = 7+20 = 27
Code for last letter (T) = &
So code for GADGET is 6&27

4) What would be the code for FLOWER?
a) 9@24
b) 9#24
c) 24#9
d) 24@9

Solution 4: C
Total of Vowels (O+E) = 15+5 = 20
Addition of 1st and Last letter (F+R) = 6+18 = 24
Code for last letter (R) = #
So code for FLOWER is 24#9

5) What would be the code for FACEBOOK?
a) 36$21
b) 36&21
c) 21@36
d) 21#36

Solution 5: A
Total of Vowels (A+E+O+O) = 1+5+15+15 = 36
Addition of 1st and Last letter (F+K) = 6+15 = 21
Code for last letter (K) = $
So code for FACEBOOK is 36$21

“LAPTOP FOR SMART WORK” is coded as “9%15, 11$16, 8@15, 6#1”
“USEFUL SIMILAR OVER PICNIC” is coded as “7@20, 10&19, 2$47, 7$18”
“SOME GRASS DOOR FLOWERS” is coded as “11#1, 4@20, 6&20, 11@30”
“BLESSED CHILD AND FAMILY” is coded as “5$10, 10&10, 5#9, 13@1”

6) What is the code for FAMILY?
a) 5$10
b) 10&10
c) 5#9
d) 13@1

Solution 6: A
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter (F  ̴A) = 6-1 = 5
Symbol for total number of letters (6) = $
Total of Vowels (A+I) = 1+9 = 10
So code for FAMILY is 5$10

7) What is the code for SOME?
a) 11#1
b) 4@20
c) 6&20
d) 11@30

Solution 7: B
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter (S  ̴O) = 19-15 = 4
Symbol for total number of letters (4) = @
Total of Vowels (O+E) = 15+5 = 20
So code for SOME is 4@20

8) What would be the code for “CLOUD AND RAIN”?
a) 1&15, 13%1, 17$10
b) 13@1, 1%15, 17#10
c) 17#10, 13%1, 1@15
d) 13%1, 1#15, 17@10

Solution 8: D
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter of CLOUD (C  ̴D) = 3  ̴4 = 1
Symbol for total number of letters CLOUD (5) = #
Total of Vowels (O) = 15
So code for CLOUD 1#15

Difference of 1st and 2nd letter of AND (A  ̴N) = 1  ̴14 = 13
Symbol for total number of letters AND (3) = %
Total of Vowels (A) = 1
So code for AND 13%1

Similarly find code for RAIN which is 17@10

9) What would be the code for CHAIR FOR COMFORT?
a) 5%10, 9&15, 12#30
b) 9%15, 12&30, 5$10
c) 12&30, 9%15, 5#10
d) 12$30, 5#10, 9%15

Solution 9: C
CHAIR = 5#10
FOR = 9%15
COMFORT = 12&30

10) What is the code for “GRASS” and “OVER”?
a) 4@20, 5#9
b) 7@20, 11#1
c) 4#20, 5@9
d) 11@1, 7#20

Solution 10: B
GRASS = 11#1
OVER = 7@20

Wednesday, 22 February 2017


“WHITE CHALK AND DUSTER” coded as “33#G 33&G 23%M 57@T
“DAVID WILLIAM CALL AMY” coded as “22%L 26@Z 17&Z 58#H
“CYCLE AIR DUST WALK” coded as “10%H 17#Z 50&X 37@T”
“COLLEGE WATER DANGER ADVENTURE” coded as “64&N 26#Z 85%C 37@Z

WHITE- No. of second letter (H) =8, No. of letters in white=5, take square of 5= 25
Add 8+25=33, for letter take previous letter of 2nd letter (H) = G
Code of WHITE= 33 _G

WILLIAM- No of second letter (I) = 9, No. of letters in William= 7, Square of 7= 49
Add 9+49=58, For letter take previous letter of 2nd letter (I) = H
Code of WILLIAM= 58_H

CODES OF 1ST LETTERS: (W #), (C &), (A %), (D @)

1) What is the code for CYCLE?
a) 10%H
b) 17#Z
c) 50&X
d) 37@T

Solution 1: C

CYCLE- No. of 2nd letter (Y) = 25
No. of letters in CYCLE = 5, Square of 5 = 25
Add 25+25= 50
Previous letter of Y = X
Code for CYCLE = 50&X

2) What is the code for ADVENTURE?
a) 64@N
b) 26#Z
c) 85%C
d) 37@Z

Solution 2: C

ADVENTURE- No. of 2nd letter (D) = 4
No. of letters in ADVENTURE = 9, Square of 9 = 81
Add 4+81 = 85
Code for ADVENTURE = 85%C

3) What would be the code for CLOCK?
a) 37@K
b) 37&K
c) 37%k
d) 37#K

Solution 3: B

CLOCK- No. of 2nd letter (L) = 12
No. of letters in CLOCK = 5, Square of 5 = 25
Add 12+25 = 37
Code for CLOCK = 37&K

4) What would be the code for WELL DONE ANTHONY CARL
a) 21@D 31#N 63&M 17%Z
b) 63@M 17#Z 31%N 21&D
c) 21#D 63%M 31@N 17&Z
d) 17%Z 63#M 31&N 21@D

Solution 4: C

WELL- 21#D
DONE- 31@N
CARL- 17&Z

5) What is the code for AMY?
a) 22%L
b) 58#H
c) 17&Z
d) 26@Z

Solution 5: A

AMY- 22%L

“GREEN CASH SEAL NEEDLE” coded as “70%S 48@P 32#L 30*K”
“DARE SIGN VILLAGE GRASS” coded as “95%X 35$L 56@R 20&I”
“NEAR DAM CAVES VAST” coded as “72*V 95#X 39&P 80$X”
“TIGER VOLTAGE TOKEN CHIMPANZEE” coded as “90!W 50#O 70!S 35$L”

When you compare all those words you will get codes of first letter which are given below:
(G %), (C #), (S @), (N *), (D &), (V $), (T !)

6) What is the code for CAVES?
a) 72*V
b) 39&P
c) 80$X
d) 95#X

Solution 6: D

CAVES: No. of letters in CAVES = 5, No. of last letter (S) = 19
Multiply 5 by 19 = 95
Code for C = #
Add 5 and 19 = 24 = X
Code for CAVES = 95#X

7) What is the code for VOLTAGE?
a) 90!W
b) 50#O
c) 70!S
d) 35$L

Solution 7: D

VOLTAGE: No. of letters in VOLTAGE = 7, No. of last letter (E) = 5
Multiply 7 by 5 = 35
Code for V = $
Add 7 and 5 = 12 = L
Code for VOLTAGE = 35$L

8) What would be the code for CANARA?
a) 6#G
b) 6*G
c) 6#H
d) 6*H

Solution 8: A

CANARA: No. of letters in CANARA = 6, No. of last letter (A) = 1
Multiply 6 by 1 = 6
Code for C = #
Add 6 and 1 = 7 = G
Code for CANARA = 6#G

9) What would be the code for GREEN SCREEN VOICE?
a) 25$J 84%T 70@S
b) 84@T 70$S 25%J
c) 25$J 84@T 70%S
d) 70%S 84$T 25@J

Solution 9: C

VOICE - 25$J

10) What is the code for GRASS?
a) 95%X
b) 35$L
c) 56@R
d) 20&I

Solution 10: A

GRASS: No. of letters in GRASS = 5, No. of last letter (S) = 19
Multiply 5 by 19 = 95
Code for G = %
Add 5 and 19 = 24 = X
Code for GRASS = 95%X


“WHITE CHALK AND DUSTER” coded as “33#G 33&G 23%M 57@T
“DAVID WILLIAM CALL AMY” coded as “22%L 26@Z 17&Z 58#H
“CYCLE AIR DUST WALK” coded as “10%H 17#Z 50&X 37@T”
“COLLEGE WATER DANGER ADVENTURE” coded as “64&N 26#Z 85%C 37@Z

1) What is the code for CYCLE?
a) 10%H
b) 17#Z
c) 50&X
d) 37@T
2) What is the code for ADVENTURE?
a) 64@N
b) 26#Z
c) 85%C
d) 37@Z
3) What would be the code for CLOCK?
a) 37@K
b) 37&K
c) 37%k
d) 37#K
4) What would be the code for WELL DONE ANTHONY CARL
a) 21@D 31#N 63&M 17%Z
b) 63@M 17#Z 31%N 21&D
c) 21#D 63%M 31@N 17&Z
d) 17%Z 63#M 31&N 21@D

5) What is the code for AMY?
a) 22%L
b) 58#H
c) 17&Z
d) 26@Z

“GREEN CASH SEAL NEEDLE” coded as “70%S 48@P 32#L 30*K”
“DARE SIGN VILLAGE GRASS” coded as “95%X 35$L 56@R 20&I”
“NEAR DAM CAVES VAST” coded as “72*V 95#X 39&P 80$X”
“TIGER VOLTAGE TOKEN CHIMPANZEE” coded as “90!W 50#O 70!S 35$L”

6) What is the code for CAVES?
a) 72*V
b) 39&P
c) 80$X
d) 95#X

7) What is the code for VOLTAGE?
a) 90!W
b) 50#O
c) 70!S
d) 35$L

8) What would be the code for CANARA?
a) 6#G
b) 6*G
c) 6#H
d) 6*H

9) What would be the code for GREEN SCREEN VOICE?
a) 25$J 84%T 70@S
b) 84@T 70$S 25%J
c) 25$J 84@T 70%S
d) 70%S 84$T 25@J

10) What is the code for GRASS?
a) 95%X
b) 35$L
c) 56@R
d) 20&I

Tuesday, 21 February 2017


Vocabulary must be very strong to crack any exam and repetition is a good way to learn something for forever. So it is my advice to you not only read these words but also write down these words and learn them daily. Or if u don't wanna write then just read daily all the words until they saved in your memory.

1) Pulverize (टुकड़े  करना ) : reduce to fine parts / crumble /crush
2) Turmoil (उथल पुथल ): a state of great disturbance / confusion / uncertainty
3) Thrive ( फलना -फूलना ): grow or develop well / flourish / prosper / blossom
4) Deteriorate (क्षय होना ): become progressively worse / descend / fall / diminish
5) Strive (प्रयास करना ): make great efforts to achieve something / practice / endeavor
6) Incongruous ( बेमेल ): inappropriate/ incompatible / unsuitable
7) Rapt (मगन हो जाना ): addicted / devoted / completely fascinated or absorbed by what is one hearing or seeing
8) Pious (पवित्र ): holy / godly / religious / sacred / spiritual
9) Dampen ( गीला  करना, निरुत्साह करना ): make slightly wet / make less strong or intense / disappointment / dishearten
10) Appease ( संतुष्टि ): relieve or satisfy / calm / quiet
11) Aberration ( पतन ): downfall / decline / deviation
12) Benchmark ( चिन्ह, नमूना ): level / point of reference / norm
13) Sabbatical ( विश्राम ): a period of paid leave
14) Entice ( लुभाना ): attract by offering pleasure or advantage / tempt / lure / cajolement
15) Extempore ( बिना तैयारी के ): spoken without preparation / impromptu / ad lib 

Monday, 6 February 2017


Hey hey hello My dear friends...

There is a good news for all aspirants, Finally SBI has released the Notification for the recruitment of Probationary Officers.

Forget every thing and just remember one thing one seat is your. Your whole focus should be on SBI PO preparation and give your 100% potential to get this job. 

We all know that SBI changed exam pattern which was introduced in SBI PO 2016. Keep practicing of that pattern and be well prepared for exam. English and Reasoning are those two scary subjects that always scares you and blow your senses. So get ready to face tricky and challenging question and set your mind for any change in exam pattern. 

Good luck and all the best for your future. 

Tentative dates are below: 

For official notification click on this link:


Thursday, 2 February 2017


1) He had no illusions (a) / of being either a (b) / distinguished or editor. (c) / No error (d)

(Ans: C. Write ‘an’ before ‘editor’, because 'e' is vowel )

2) He addressed people (a) / and tried his best to (b) / convince them that (c) / his decisions were best. (d) / No error (e)

(Ans: A. Write ‘the’ before ‘people’ because people is particularized in this sentence.)

3) Sam, who was born on (a) / the Marina’s shore, says (b) / he can judge a depth (c) / of water by its color. (d) / No error (e)

(Ans: C. Replace ‘a’ by ‘the’ because depth is particularized)

4) More you think (a) / of it, the worse (b) / it becomes. (c) / No error (d)

(Ans: A. Write ‘the’ before ‘more’. The correct form of this sentence is- 
"The + comparative degree Adjective + sub + verb 
The + comparative degree Adjective + sub + verb"
It denotes Parallel increase or decrease )

5) His main aim (a) / is to create a (b) / interest in hockey (c) / among school children. (d) / No error (e)

(Ans: B. Replace ‘a’ by ‘an’ because here in 'interest- i' is vowel)

6) The Hindu is (a) / one of most (b) / popular newspapers (c) / in India. (d) / No error. (e)

(Ans: B. Write ‘the’ before ‘most’ because ‘most’ is superlative degree)

7) Children go (a) to the school (b) daily at 7 am. (c)/ No error (d)

(Ans: B. Remove ‘the’ before ‘school’. When we go somewhere and the purpose is same for which that building or place was built then we never use ‘the’ before that building.)

8) Sachin has (a)/ been promoted (b)/ to the rank of (c) / the S.D.M. (d)/ No error (e)

(Ans: D. Remove ‘the’ before ‘S.D.M.’ because 'the' is never used before 'Title of, Rank of, Post of")

9) The brass is (a)/ not a very (b)/ expensive metal. (d)/ No error (e)

(Ans: A. Remove 'the' before 'brass' because we never use 'The' before 'Material Noun')

10) That is the (a)/ kind of a house (b)/ in which I (c) should like to live. (d)/ No error (e)

[Ans: B. Remove 'a' before house. Structure of this type of sentences is-
"Kind of/Sort of + Singular Countable Noun (without article) "]

11) In the present guidelines, (a)/ the bank is required to obtain (b)/ a photograph from any person (c)/ who wishes to open an account. (d)/ No error (e)

(Ans: C. Replace 'any person' by 'the person')

12) Lack of ability to read (a)/ or write is just one of the (b)/ all barriers that keep (c) the poor people under developed. (d)/ No error (e)

(Ans: Remove 'the' before poor people.)


1) RBI was established on the recommendation of which committee?
a) Hilton Young Commission
b) Narsimhan Committee
c) Nachiket Mor Committee
d) Nair Committee

2) RBI commenced its operation on which date?
a) 1 April 1935
b) 1 April 1936
c) 1 April 1947
d) 1 April 1949

3) The central office of RBI was initially established in ____ and was permanently moved to ____.
a) Calcutta, Mumbai
b) Mumbai, Calcutta
c) Chennai, Mumbai
d) Delhi, Mumbai

4) RBI was nationalized on which date?
a) 1 April 1935
b) 1 Jan 1947
c) 1 Jan 1949
d) 1 April 1949

5) Who was the first governor of RBI?
a) Sir James Braid Taylor
b) Sir Benegal Rama Rau
c) Sir Obsorne A. Smith
d) H.V.R. Inegar

6) College of Agricultural Banking is situated at ?
a) Pune
b) Mumbai
c) Delhi
d) Calcutta

7) SMPCIL full form.
a) Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Ltd.
b) Secure Printing and Minting Company of India Ltd.
c) Secure Print and Minting Corporation of India Ltd.
d) Security Printing and Minting Company Ltd.

8) BRBNMPL full form.
a) Bharat Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Ltd.
b) Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Ltd
c) Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudra Private Ltd.
d) Bharat Reserve Bank Note Mudra Private Ltd.

9) Who was the first Indian governor of RBI?
a) C.D. Deshmukh
b) P.C. Bhattacharya
c) Dr. Manmohan Singh
d) B.N. Adarka
10) Which of the following is not a subsidiary of RBI?
d) NHB

11) RBI maintains accounts of which banks?
a) Commercial Banks
b) Schedule Banks
c) Non- Commercial Banks
d) None of these

12) SMPCIL established four mints for coins production at?
a) Noida, Mumbai, Hyderabad & Kolkata
b) Nasik, Mumbai, Kolkata & Chennai
c) Noida, Nasik, Mumbai, Hyderabad
d) Noida, Mumbai, Kolkata & Nasik

13) LLP full form.
a) Limited Liability Partners
b) Limited Liability Partnership
c) Lifetime Liability Partnership
d) Lifetime Liable Partners

14) M stands in CAMELS for.
a) Mudra
b) Management and system
c) Maintenance
d) Management effectiveness

15) The original share capital of RBI was divided into shares of ____ each fully paid.
a) 50
b) 100
c) 200
d) 500

ANSWERS: 1.a, 2.a, 3.a, 4.c, 5.c, 6.a, 7.a, 8.b, 9.a, 10.b, 11.b, 12.a, 13.b, 14.d, 15.b.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017


Hey hey hello guys.........

Today I am going to show you how to solve high level puzzles, where 2-4 information are given about 7-8 members and you have to solve them. So if you are going to solve these puzzles by traditional method then it’s totally waste of time because it’ll take too much time approx. 10-15 minutes and you can’t afford this, especially in exam, to give your crucial time to only 1 puzzle. Let’s discuss how to solve these puzzles in very less time.

First of all create a table, if there are 7 people (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), 7 cities (Delhi, Mumbai, Agra, Bangalore, Pune, Chennai & Jaipur)  and 7 colors (Green, Blue, Pink, Red, White, Yellow & Orange) , then create a table contains 9 columns & 3 rows. Like this: 

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