Thursday, 23 February 2017


This is the new pattern of coding decoding and for decode this code you will have to use your brain wisely and smartly. Because friends this is not so easy to crack this code. In other words, we can say it is a good exercise for your brain.
Here in this post I provide 2 coded cases and explained these codes step by step so that if you see this type of coding decoding questions in exam you could solve them easily.
So let’s start and see these questions and their solutions.

“DEFINITE CLEAR WINDOW BANK” is coded as “1$13, 28@9, 24%46, 6#21”
“MOBILE GADGET GLOW BRIGHT” is coded as “15%30, 6&27, 29@18, 9&22”
“CRACK NUT BREAK FEAR” is coded as “1$14, 6$13, 21&34, 6#24”
“EITHER CIRCLE PARTICULAR LINE” is coded as “32#34, 14@17, 19#23, 14@8”

1) What is the code for DEFINITE?
a) 1$13
b) 28@9
c) 24%46
d) 6#21

Solution 1: B
Total of Vowels (E+I+I+E) = 5+9+9+5 = 28
Addition of 1st and Last letter (D+E) = 4+5 = 9
Code for last letter (E) = @
So code for DEFINITE is 28@9

2) What is the code for BREAK?
a) 1$14
b) 6$13
c) 21&34
d) 6#24

Solution 2: B
Total of Vowels (E+A) = 5+1 = 6
Addition of 1st and Last letter (B+K) = 2+11 = 13
Code for last letter (K) = $
So code for BREAK is 6$13

3) What is the code for GADGET?
a) 15%30
b) 6&27
c) 29@18
d) 9&22

Solution 3: B
Total of Vowels (A+E) = 1+5 = 6
Addition of 1st and Last letter (G+T) = 7+20 = 27
Code for last letter (T) = &
So code for GADGET is 6&27

4) What would be the code for FLOWER?
a) 9@24
b) 9#24
c) 24#9
d) 24@9

Solution 4: C
Total of Vowels (O+E) = 15+5 = 20
Addition of 1st and Last letter (F+R) = 6+18 = 24
Code for last letter (R) = #
So code for FLOWER is 24#9

5) What would be the code for FACEBOOK?
a) 36$21
b) 36&21
c) 21@36
d) 21#36

Solution 5: A
Total of Vowels (A+E+O+O) = 1+5+15+15 = 36
Addition of 1st and Last letter (F+K) = 6+15 = 21
Code for last letter (K) = $
So code for FACEBOOK is 36$21

“LAPTOP FOR SMART WORK” is coded as “9%15, 11$16, 8@15, 6#1”
“USEFUL SIMILAR OVER PICNIC” is coded as “7@20, 10&19, 2$47, 7$18”
“SOME GRASS DOOR FLOWERS” is coded as “11#1, 4@20, 6&20, 11@30”
“BLESSED CHILD AND FAMILY” is coded as “5$10, 10&10, 5#9, 13@1”

6) What is the code for FAMILY?
a) 5$10
b) 10&10
c) 5#9
d) 13@1

Solution 6: A
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter (F  ̴A) = 6-1 = 5
Symbol for total number of letters (6) = $
Total of Vowels (A+I) = 1+9 = 10
So code for FAMILY is 5$10

7) What is the code for SOME?
a) 11#1
b) 4@20
c) 6&20
d) 11@30

Solution 7: B
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter (S  ̴O) = 19-15 = 4
Symbol for total number of letters (4) = @
Total of Vowels (O+E) = 15+5 = 20
So code for SOME is 4@20

8) What would be the code for “CLOUD AND RAIN”?
a) 1&15, 13%1, 17$10
b) 13@1, 1%15, 17#10
c) 17#10, 13%1, 1@15
d) 13%1, 1#15, 17@10

Solution 8: D
Difference of 1st and 2nd letter of CLOUD (C  ̴D) = 3  ̴4 = 1
Symbol for total number of letters CLOUD (5) = #
Total of Vowels (O) = 15
So code for CLOUD 1#15

Difference of 1st and 2nd letter of AND (A  ̴N) = 1  ̴14 = 13
Symbol for total number of letters AND (3) = %
Total of Vowels (A) = 1
So code for AND 13%1

Similarly find code for RAIN which is 17@10

9) What would be the code for CHAIR FOR COMFORT?
a) 5%10, 9&15, 12#30
b) 9%15, 12&30, 5$10
c) 12&30, 9%15, 5#10
d) 12$30, 5#10, 9%15

Solution 9: C
CHAIR = 5#10
FOR = 9%15
COMFORT = 12&30

10) What is the code for “GRASS” and “OVER”?
a) 4@20, 5#9
b) 7@20, 11#1
c) 4#20, 5@9
d) 11@1, 7#20

Solution 10: B
GRASS = 11#1
OVER = 7@20

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