Hello friends this is
the 41st part of The Hindu Vocabs with Mnemonics. Your comments and likes,
undoubtedly show that you like it. I think, to some extent, I am succeeded in my
mission by my small effort to help you to learn new and frequently used words
in The Hindu newspaper and editorials. I just hope you are regularly revising all words
which are provided in earlier posts. If no, then please revise them at least twice
in a week because repetition is a good way to learn anything for a long time. To
sum up, I would like to say learn and revise all the previous words with their
Synonyms and Antonyms and one more thing try to create different different
examples by using those words so that you came to know the correct usage of
those words. Happy learning friends.
ENTRAP (इंट्रेप्) (verb) (फ़साना)
Meaning: catch (someone or something) in or as in a trap.
word: Trap
Mnemonics: Rat was entrapped by mousetrap.
Synonyms: Snare, Entangle, Enmesh
Antonyms: Extricate, Liberate, Free
PARANOIA (पैरा नोइआ) (noun) (पागलपन)
Meaning: a mental condition
Key word: Para high
Mnemonics: Para high hone par log Pagalpan karne lagte hai.
Synonyms: Madness, Insanity, Lunacy
Antonyms: Sanity, Discretion, Rationalness
ANNUL (एन नल) (verb) (रद्द करना)
Meaning: declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).
word: NUL (Null and void)
Synonyms: Nullify, Void, Invalid, Rescind
Antonyms: Ratify, Authorize, Approve Legalize
ALIENATE (एलिए नेट) (verb) (अलग करना/ पृथक करना)
Meaning: cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged.
word: Aliens
Mnemonics: Aliens ka alag roop rang unhe humse Prathak karta hai.
Synonyms: Segregate, Dissociate, Detach
Antonyms: Connect, Join, Associate
(अप राइजिंग) (noun) (विद्रोह/ बगावत)
Meaning: an act of resistance or rebellion; a revolt.
word: UP Rice Rise
Mnemonics: UP mai Rice k price rise hone se Vidroh (विद्रोह) chid gaya.
Synonyms: Mutiny, Revolt, Rebellion
Antonyms: Agreeability, Compliance, Tractability
RABID (रैबिड) (adjective) (पागल/ कट्टर)
Meaning: 1) (of an animal) affected with rabies / 2) having or proceeding
from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something
word: Rabies
Mnemonics: Dog k kaatne par Rabies k infection se log Pagal ho jate hai.
Synonyms: Mad, Frenetic, Maniac
Antonyms: Calm, Peaceful, Moderate
TOTO (इन टोटो) (adverb) (पूर्णत:)
Meaning: as a whole.
word: Total
Synonyms: Overall, Complete
Antonyms: Incomplete, Partial
INTAKE (इन टेक) (adjective) (ग्रहण करना/ प्रवेश)
Meaning: an amount of food, air or substance taken into the body
word: Take
Synonyms: Consumption, Digestion, Entry
Antonyms: Outturn, Throughput,
(डिप राइव्ड) (verb) (वंचित)
Meaning: deny the possession or use of something
word: Der Drive
Mnemonics: Der hone ki vajah se mai Drive krne se Vanchit (वंचित) reh gaya.
Synonyms: Bereaved, Disadvantaged, Underprivileged
Antonyms: Privileged, Blessed, Affluent
ENSUING (एन सुइंग) (verb) (बाद का/ आगामी)
Meaning: happen or occur afterward or as a result.
word: End + Sewing (Suing)
Mnemonics: Mother said, you are getting late. You just go I'll Sew this
dress later or in the End.
[मैं ये
dress End मे
(sew) दूंगी]
Synonyms: Forthcoming, Later, Consequential
Antonyms: Antecedent, Previous, Foregoing
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