Friday, 22 September 2017


1) INNUENDO (इन्यू एन्डो) (noun) (व्यंग्य/ ताना)
Meaning: an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one.
Key word: In Nu Ren Do (Punjabi language)
Mnemonics: Papa ji ne Taan maarte hue kaha In nu (ise) ren (rehne) do isse kuch na ho paayega.
Synonyms: Taunt, Hint, Suggestion, Allusion Intimation
Antonyms: Expression, Evidence, Proof

2) WOBBLE (वॉबल) (verb) (डगमगाते हुए घूमना/ डांवाडोल होना)
Meaning: move unsteadily from side to side
Key word: Bubbles
Mnemonics: Bubbles हवा मे इधर उधर डोल (डांवाडोल हो) रहे हैं।
Synonyms: Wander, Shake, Perambulate
Antonyms: Parade, March, Go straight

3) AMBROSIA (अम्बरो जिया) (noun) (देवताओं का भोजन/ अमृत)
Meaning: the food of gods
Key word: Ambar (Sky) Rasoiya (Chef)
Mnemonics: Ambar k Rasoiya (Chef) ne Devtao ka bhojan banaya. (अम्बर के रसोइया ने देवताओं का भोजन बनाया।)
Synonyms: Nectar, Elixir

4) EMBARK (इम बार्क) (verb) (प्रारंभ करना)
Meaning: go on board a ship, aircraft or other vehicle.
Key word: Emy (name) + Bark
Mnemonics: Emy k car mai baithte hi Dog ne Bark krna Start kr dia.
Synonyms: Begin, Launch, Put on board
Antonyms: Stop, Stay, Disembark

5) EXTRICATE (एक्सट्री केट) (verb) (निकालना)
Meaning: free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty.
Key word: Extra Fat
Mnemonics: excercise kr k muje apna ye Extra Fat Kam krna hai ya nikaalna hai.
Synonyms: Remove, Losse, Detach
Antonyms: Combine, Attach, Remain

6) PROVOCATION (प्रोवे केशन) (noun) (उकसाना)
Meaning: action or speech that makes someone annoyed or angry, especially deliberately
Key word: Provoke
Synonyms: Incitement, Stimulus, Goading
Antonyms: Repression, Happiness, Praise

7) HARBOUR (हारबर) (verb) (विचार करना)
Meaning: keep (a thought or feeling, typically a negative one) in one's mind, especially secretly
Key word: Haar (हार) हर बार
Mnemonics: हारने वाला दुसरो के बारे में मन में हमेशा नकारात्मक विचार रखता है।
Synonyms: Consider, Ponder,
Antonyms: Show, Express

8) ESPIONAGE (एस्पिओ नाज़) (noun) (जासूसी)
Meaning: the practice of spying or using spies typically by governments to obtain political and military information.
Key word: Spy (Spi) + On
Mnemonics: Detective ne Spy Camera On or k Jaasusi start ki.
Synonyms: Spying, Surveillance
Antonyms: Neglect, Glance, Overlook

9) SABOTAGE (सेबे टेज) (noun) (नुकसान पहुँचाना/ नाकाम करना)
Meaning: deliberately destroy, damage or obstruct something, especially for political or military advantage.
Key word: Saboot (Evidence) + Aag (Fire)
Mnemonics: Hamare funding ne sare Saboot Aag Mai jala kar (destroy) opposition party ke irade Naakam Kar diye .
Synonyms: Disrupt, Damage, Destroy
Antonyms: Fix, Help, Aid

10) SCORN (इसकोर्न) noun (नफरत)
Meaning: (noun) the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable, contempt / (verb) feel or express contempt or derision (उपहास) for
Key word: This Corn
Mnemonics: I hate this Corn.
Synonyms: Dislike, Deride, Aversion
Antonyms: Like, Admiration

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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