Tuesday, 22 August 2017


1) ANODYNE (adjective) (पीड़ा नाशक)
Meaning: a painkilling drug or medicine.
Key word: Sensodyne toothpaste
Mnemonics: Sensodyne  toothpaste soothes toothache.
Synonyms: Calmant, Anetic
Antonyms: Poisonous, Venomous

2) CARPING (verb) (अवगुण ढूंढने वाला)
Meaning: complain or find fault continually, typically about trivial matters
Key word: CAR + PIN
Mnemonics: jisne bhi mere Car k tyres mai Pin laga kar hawa nikali hai mai uski police Complaint karunga.
Synonyms: Captious, Fault finding, Hypercritical
Antonyms: Charitable, Forgiving

3) ENERVATE (verb) (कमजोर बनाना)
Meaning: cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken
Key word: ENERGY + ATE (2nd form of eat)
Mnemonics: I forgot to extract cell from camaera and it Ate cell's Energy.
Synonyms: Exhaust, Weaken, Devitalize
Antonyms: Charge, Electrify, Refresh

4) EXECRABLE (adjective) (घृणास्पद)
Meaning: extremely bad; unsatisfactory or unpleasant
Key word: Exam + Crack + Able
Mnemonics: IBPS changed the mains pattern it's awful and candidate thinks that they are not Able to Crack the Exam.
Synonyms: Atrocious, Awful, Horrible
Antonyms: Acceptable, Wonderful, Excellent

5) SALUBRIOUS (adjective) (स्वस्थ/ तंदरुस्त)
Meaning: healthy, health giving
Key wors: Sallu (Salu) Bhai(Bro)
Mnemonics: Sallu bhai is Healthy.
Synonyms: Flourishing, Healthy, Hygienic
Antonyms: Noxious, Unhealthy

6) RECALCITRANT (adjective) (आज्ञा ना मानने वाला)
Meaning: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
Key word: Recall + Trainee (Trant)
Mnemonics: Manager Recall his Trainee but he is very Intractable or Arrogant.
Synonyms: Disobedient, Indocile
Antonyms: Obedient, Cooperative

7) FATUOUS (adjective) (बुद्घिहीन/ मुर्ख)
Meaning: silly and pointless
Key word: Fat
Mnemonics: Idiot/ Stupid log oily items kha kha k apna fat bdha lete hai.
Synonyms: Silly, Foolish, Idiotic
Antonyms: Intelligent, Stupendous

8) ONEROUS (adjective) (कष्टदायक)
Meaning: of a task, duty or responsibility involving an amount of effort and
difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.
Key word: One + Rough
Mnemonics: One Rough comment on your failure is Hard to listen or tolerate.
Synonyms: Burdensome, Cumbersome, Difficult
Antonyms: Easy, Effortless

9) OBSEQUIOUS (adjective) (चापलूस/ खुशामदी)
Meaning: Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
Key word: Ab Se Queue
Mnemonics: Ab Se Chaaploos logo Ko Queue Mai khade hone ki need nai hai.
Vo Chaaploosi kr k hi apna kaam karva lete hai.
Synonyms: Sneaky, Servile, Faltterer
Antonyms: Superior, Arrogant

10) IMPECUNIOUS (adjective) (गरीब/ निर्धन)
Meaning: having little or no money
Key word: I Am (M) Pack (Pec)
Mnemonics: I have no Money now I am Packing my luggage to go back to my home.
Synonyms: Penniless, Poor
Antonyms: Rich, Affluent

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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