Wednesday, 26 July 2017


1) RATIFY (verb) (पुष्टि करना)
Meaning: sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement),
making it officially valid
Key word: RAT + IF
Mnemonics: Say Yes, IF RAT is dead.
Synonyms: Sanction, Endorse
Antonyms: Destroy, Revoke
Use: Today the government will ratify the bill by signing it during a press conference.

2) AFFIRMATION (noun) (द्रण्ड कथन)
Meaning:  the action or process of affirming something
Key word: FIRM
Synonyms: Assertion, Testimony
Antonyms: Denial, Negation
Use: He nodded in affirmation.

3) PREDICAMENT (noun) (स्थिति)
Meaning: a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Key word: Pedigree (PREDI) + Men
Mnemonics: If someone saw that a man is eating Pedigree then it became
the embarrassing situation for him.
Synonyms: Crisis, Rigor
Antonyms: Agreement, Closure
Use: When the child reached at the top of the tree and he realized its predicament
and became frightened.

4) ERADICATE (noun) (जड़ से उखाड़ना)
Meaning: the complete destruction of something
Key word: Era Di and Cat
Mnemonics: ERA DI Destroyed her CAT’s house.
Synonyms: Destruction, Elimination 
Antonym: Establish, Create
Use: It's difficult to eradicate the corruption from our country because it's
roots are very deep.

5) CURBING (verb) (नियंत्रित करना)
Meaning: restrain or keep in check
Key word: Curb sounds like Curve
Mnemonics: Make a Curve to curb it
Synonyms: Inhibit, fetter
Antonyms: Encourage, promote
Use: She promised she would curb her temper.

6) COMMENDABLE (adjective) (सराहनीय)
Meaning: deserving praise
Synonyms: Laudable, Excellent
Antonyms: Wrong, Unworthy
Use: He has given a commendable performance in the match.

7) INEVITABLE (adjective) (अनिवार्य)
Meaning: certain to happen; unavoidable
Mnemonics: Revital Tablet is Mandatory for your good health.
Synonyms: Unavoidable, Fated, Fixed
Antonyms: Avoidable, Distant
Use: INDO-PAK war was inevitable.

8) COLLAPSED (verb) (ढहना)
Meaning: (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way
Key word: COLA + Slipped
Mnemonics: I was drinking Cola and it slipped from my hand and Fall down.
Synonyms: Crumple, Subside, Fall down
Antonyms: Accomplish, Inflate
Use: The roof collapsed on top of me.

9) Equitable (adjective) (न्यायसंगत)
Meaning: fair and impartial
Key word: Equal + Table
Mnemonics: Teacher instructed students to use Equal Table Fairly.
Synonyms: Candid, Ethical
Antonyms: Partial, Unfair
Use: Public schools are designed to provide an equitable education to all students,
 regardless of their background.

10) Elusive (adjective) (मायावी/ भटकाने वाला)
Meaning: difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
Mnemonics: “E” is silent in the word Elusive, which create confusion how to pronounce it.
Synonyms: Subtle, Baffling
Antonyms: Honest, Inviting
Use: She wanted something as elusive as the scent.

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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