Thursday 20 July 2017


1) APPREHEND (पकड़ना/ हिरासत मे लेना)
Key word: UP UR HAND
Mnemonics: UP your(UR) HANDS you are under Arrest.
Synonyms: Arrest, Detain, Catch
Antonyms: Release, Liberate

2) EXCULPATE (सफाइ देना/ दोष मुक्त करना) - Show or declare that someone
 is not guilty of wrongdoing

Key word: Excuse me + Explain  + Culprit (दोषी)
Mnemonics: Excuse me I can Explain I am not Culprit.
Synonyms: Exonerate, Acquit
Antonyms: Charge, Convict

3) RANCOR (घृणा/ नाराज़गी)
Key word: RANC (रंक) OR RAJA
Mnemonics:  Raja jaise log RANC se घृणा karte hai.
Synonyms: Hatred, Hostility, Bitterness
Antonyms: Delight, Peace, Friendship

4) CHICANERY (झूठा इलज़ाम)
Key word: CHI + CANE
Mnemonics: CHI tune mujh par CANE churane ka JHOOTHA ILJAAM lagaya.
Synonyms: Chicane, Fraud, Dodge
Antonyms: Honesty, Truthfulness, Openness

5) RETREAT (पीछे हटना)
Key word: Treat
Mnemonics: Jab bhi usse treat ki baat karo vo PICHE HAT JATA hai.
Synonyms: Withdrawal, Retirement,
Antonyms: Come forward, Arrival

6) PROVINCE (प्रदेश/ कार्यक्षेत्र): a principal administrative division of certain
countries or empires./ an area of special knowledge, interest, or responsibility.

Key word: Prince
Mnemonics: Ye hamare Prince ka Region hai. 
Synonyms: Territory, Region, State, Area

7) NOTORIOUS (कुख्यात/ लोकप्रसिद्ध) famous or well known, typically for
some bad quality or deed.

Key word: Naughty 
Synonyms: Scandalous, Ill - famed, Dis-honorable
Antonyms: Unknown, Inconspicuous

8) HARBINGER (अग्र-दूत)
Key word: HAR + BING ( Indicating a sudden event)
Mnemonics: HARRY ne Bingo kha k muje Signal diya.
Synonyms: Messenger, Pioneer, Signal
Antonyms: Misinformation

9) INEFFABLE (अवर्णीय/ अकथनीय)
Mnemonics: Inefficient to describe
Synonyms: Untellable, Beyond words
Antonyms: Definable, Describable

10) FLAMBOYANT (चमकीला/ उज्जवल)
Key word: FLAME + BOY + ANT
Mnemonics: Boy ne candle ki Glowing Flame se Ant ko dekha
Synonyms: Vivid, Luminous, Exuberant
Antonyms: Dull, Simple, Calm

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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