Saturday 21 January 2017


1) Ratify (verb) (पुष्टि करना) – sign or give formal consent to (a treaty, contract, or agreement), making it officially valid
Synonyms – sanction, endorse
Antonyms – destroy, revoke
Use: Today the government will ratify the bill by signing it during a press conference.

2) Affirmation (noun) (प्रतिज्ञान)– the action or process of affirming something
Synonyms – assertion, testimony
Antonyms – denial, negation
Ex: He nodded in affirmation.

3) Predicament (noun) (स्थिति) –a difficult, unpleasant, or embarrassing situation
Synonyms – crisis, rigor
Antonyms – agreement, closure
Use: When the child reached at the top of the tree and he realised it's predicament and became frightened.

4) Eradicate (noun) (निवारण)– the complete destruction of something
Synonyms – destruction, elimination
Antonyms  establish, create
Use: It's difficult to eradicate the corruption from our country because it's roots are very deep.

5) Curbing (verb) (रोकने) – restrain or keep in check
Synonyms – inhibit, fetter
Antonyms – encourage, promote
Use: She promised she would curb her temper.

6) Commendable (adjective) (सराहनीय)– deserving praise
Synonyms – laudable, excellent
Antonyms – wrong, unworthy
Ex: He has given a commendable performance in the match.

7) Inevitable (adjective) (अपरिहार्य)– certain to happen; unavoidable
Synonyms – decreed, fated
Antonyms – avoidable, distant
Use: By the morning he had accepted the inevitable.

8) Collapsed (verb) (ढह) – (of a structure) suddenly fall down or give way
Synonyms – crumple, subside
Antonyms – accomplish, inflate
Use: The roof collapsed on top of me.

9) Strife (noun) (कलह)– angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues; conflict
Synonyms – quarrel, rivalry
Antonyms – harmony, victory
Use: There is always strife and trouble.

10) Spiralled (verb) (सर्पिल गति से जाना) – move in a spiral course
Synonyms – coiled, frizzy
Antonyms – straight
Use: Everything had spiralled completely out.

11) Echoed (verb) (गूंजना)– (of a sound) be repeated or reverberate after the original sound has stopped
Synonyms – vibrate, ditto
Antonyms – oppose, differ
Use: His voice echoed.

12) Equitable (adjective) (न्यायसंगत)– fair and impartial
Synonyms – candid, ethical
Antonyms – partial, unfair
Use: Public schools are designed to provide an equitable education to all students, regardless of their background.

13) Elusive (adjective) (मायावी)– difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
Synonyms – subtle, baffling
Antonyms – honest, inviting
Use: She wanted something as elusive as the scent.

14) Dominated (verb) (श्रेष्ठ होना, बोलबाला) – have power and influence over
Synonyms – prevail, monopolize
Antonyms – follow, submit
Use: Dominated the edge of the lake.

15) Austerity (noun) (तपस्या)– sternness or severity of manner or attitude
Synonyms – acerbity, rigor
Antonyms – calmness, gentility
Use: He was noted for his austerity and his authoritarianism.

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