Thursday 14 May 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi's China Visit

 Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi visit the Daxingshan Temple.
His first stopwas the "King of Heaven Hall." This was followed by a
 visit to the "Precious Big Hero Hall," the main hall of worship.
He also visit the Guanyin Hall and Fa Tang Hall. The Fa Tang Hall was used by an Indian Monk for giving lecture to his disciples.

Meeting with President Xi Jinping.
President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi visited the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Prime Minister Narendra Singh Modi went to the 'Grand Hall, the main hall for worship. This was followed by a tour of the Pagoda.
After that they went to the
Xuan Zhang Museum. There they saw books written by disciples of Xuan Zhang, that are on display at the Hall of Light also has a sculpture of the Head Monk of Nalanda preaching to Xuan Zhang. After that they went to Da Bian Jue Hall, which has a statue of Xuan Zhang.
The final stop was the "Wisdom Hall." This showcases the life history of Xuan Zhang after his return from India.

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