Friday, 1 September 2017


1) RAMPAGE (रैमपेज) (noun) (हिंसात्मक आचरण)
Meaning: a period of violent and uncontrollable behavior, typically involving a
 large group of people.
Key word: Ramp Rage
Mnemonics: Ramp par model ki dress khulne se public showed Rage and Rampage.
Synonyms: Berserk, Violent, Wild
Antonyms: Calm, Harmony, Peace

2) EXCERPT (एक्सर्प्ट) (noun) (अंश/ भाग)
Meaning: a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing.
Key word: EXERcise and PT
Mnemonics: i- Exercise and PT are PARTS of physical training.
ii- Do 1st and 2nd Exercise (part) of this chapter.
Synonyms: Part, Fragment, Section
Antonyms: Whole, All

3) CONCEDE (कंसीड) (verb) (स्वीकार करना/ मान लेना)
Meaning: admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it.
Key word: Corn + seeds
Mnemonics: I Accepted Corn Seeds and sow them in field.
Synonyms: Confess, Admit, Accept
Antonyms: Contradict, Disagree, Refuse

4) WILY (विली) (adjective) (धूर्त/ कपटी)
Meaning: skilled at gaining an advantage, especially deceitfully.
Mnemonics: Wily is very Cunning. (Assume Wily is a name)
Synonyms: Clever, Cunning, Canny
Antonyms: Stupid, Naive, Idiot

5) TRANSCEND (ट्रानसेंड) (verb) (श्रेष्ठ होना/ ज़्यादा होना)
Meaning: be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a
conceptual field or division)
Key word: Ascend (बढ़ना)
Synonyms: Go beyond, Be superior
Antonyms: Deteriorate, Lose

6) ABYSMAL (एबिज़मल) (adjective) (बहुत बुरा/ अति गहन)
Meaning: 1) extremely bad; appalling./ 2) Very deep
Key word: 1) Ab Ye Smell / 2) Abey ye small nahi bht deep hai.
Mnemonics: Ab ye gandi c (bad) smell kaha se AA Rahi hai.
Synonyms: Awful, Disgraceful, Terrible/ Broad, Wode
Antonyms: Good, Low, Shallow

7) CRUSADE (क्रूसेड) (noun) (धर्मयुद्ध)
Meaning: lead or take part in an energetic and organized campaign concerning a
social, political, or religious issue.
Key word: Crusader (fighter)
Synonyms: Battle, Fight, Campaign
Antonyms: Peace, Harmony
8) IMPROVISE (इम्प्रोवाइस) (verb) (तात्कालिक व्यवस्था/ सुधारना)
Meaning: create and perform (music, drama, or verse) spontaneously or
without preparation..
Key word: Improve
Synonyms: Extemporize, Adlib, Impromptu
Antonyms: Rehearsed, Planned, Prepared

9) IMPROMPTU (इमप्रोम्पट्यू) (adjective) (बिना तैयारी के)
Meaning: done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed.
Key word: Prompt (शीघ्र)
Mnemonics: She gave an impromptu speech.
Synonyms: Extempore, Improvise
Antonyms: Rehearsed, Planned, Prepared

10) SURMISE (अनुमान, संदेह)
Meaning: a supposition that something may be true, even though there is no
evidence to confirm it.
Key word: Surprise
Mnemonics: I have Surprise for you. Guess (अनुमान) what's this.
Synonyms: Assumption, Notion, Inference
Antonyms: Measurement, Knowledge, Wonder

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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