Thursday 7 September 2017

Important Full Form of September (1st to 7th)-2017

  • CBDT—Central Board of Direct taxes
  • CBEC—Central Board of Excise and Customs
  • PAN—Permanent Account Number
  • CSIR—Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
  • NYKS—Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan
  • SAI—Sports Authority of India
  • WTO—World trade Organization
  • AMS—Aggregate Measurement of Support
  • CAG—Comptroller and Auditor General of India
  • UNESCO—United nations Educational, Scientific and cultural Organization
  • IRNSS—Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System
  • NavIC—Navigation with Indian Constellation
  • ESC—Empowered Steering Committee
  • ACTCs—Annual Calendar for Training and competitions
  • NSF—National Sports federation
  • TOPS—target Olympic Podium Scheme
  • BBSRC—Biotechnology and Biological Sciences research Council
  • RCUK—Research Councils UK
  • AFSPA—Armed Forces Special Powers Act
  • XFEL—X-ray Free Electron Laser
  • SASE—Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission
  • IGCAR—Indira Gandhi Centre for atomic Research
  • CBSE—Central Board of Secondary Education
  • CII—Confederation of Indian Industry
  • CFNEUs—Community Food and Nutrition Extension unit
  • ISS—International Space Station
  • DBSA—Development bank of South Africa
  • EFTA—European Free trade Association
  • FTA—Free Trade Agreement
  • IPR—Intellectual Property rights
  • CCS—Cabinet Committee on Security
  • CCVA—Culture Centre of Vijayawada and Amaravati
  • VPU—Vision processing Unit
  • SOC—System-on-chip
  • TOPS—trillion operations per second
  • NHAI—National highway Authority of India
  • CIPAM—Cell for IPR Promotions and Management
  • DIPP—Department of Industrial policy and Promotion
  • GI—Geographical indication
  • UNCT—United nations country team
  • UNDAF—United nations development assistance Framework
  • NDB—New Development Bank
  • BRICS—brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
  • WOS—Wholly owned Subsidiary
  • IDBRT—Institute for development and Research in Banking technology
  • TRAPPIST—Transiting Planets and Planetesimals small telescope
  • STIS—Space telescope Imaging Spectrograph
  • FRB—fast radio Bursts
  • GBT—Green Bank telescope
  • SAUNI—Saurashtra narmada Avataran irrigation
  • CPC—Central Pay Commission
  • NAC—national Anomaly Committee
  • ICO—Initial coin Offerings
  • SISc—Systemic Importance Scores
  • TMB—tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited
  • NBL—national basketball League
  • WCD—Women and child Development
  • SLNMCH—Saheed Laxman Nayak Medical College and hospital
  • DBT—Direct Benefit Transfer
  • EESL—Energy Efficiency Services Limited
  • UJALA—Unnat jyoti by affordable LED for all
  • SIA—SBI Intelligent Assistant
  • UIDAI—Unique Identification Authority of India
  • APEDA—Agricultural and Processed food product Export Development authority
  • AIBA—International Boxing Association
  • LOC—Local Organising Committee
  • SPN—Sony Pictures Network
  • FIFA—Federation International De football Association
  • ITT—Invitation to tender

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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