Tuesday 1 August 2017


1) CULLING (verb) (चुनना)
Meaning: select from a large quantity; obtain from a variety of sources.
Key word: Culling = Kalinga
Mnemonics: Samrat Ashok ne Kaurvaki ko Kalinga (Culling) or Magadh mai se
kisi ek ko Chunne k liye kaha.
Synonyms: Elect, Choose, Select
Antonyms: Insert, Reject

2) ASSENT (noun) (अनुमति/ स्वीकृति)
Meaning: the expression of approval or agreement.
Key word: ASS (Donkey)
Mnemonics: the owner of the Ass Accepted the money and sold his Donkey to
another person
Synonyms: Permit, Allowance, Acceptance
Antonyms: Denial, Refusal

3) SADDLE (verb) (उत्तरदायित्व सौंपना/ लादना)
Meaning: give someone responsibility / something resembling a saddle in appearance,
function, or position, in particular.
Key word: Sad
Mnemonics: He is SAD because his mother gave him too much Responsibilities of home.
Synonyms: Under load, Answerability

4) COHESION (noun) (एकजुटता)
Meaning: the action or fact of forming a united whole.
Key word:  Co-host
Mnemonics: Co-hosts worked Together with Unity.
Synonyms: Unity, Togetherness, Solidarity
Antonyms: Division, Detachment

5) INVECTIVE (noun) (फटकार)
Key word:  sounds like Inactive
Mnemonics: Inactive logo ki sab log Insult hi karte hai.
Synonyms: Abuse, Rebuke, Scold, Insult
Antonyms: Praise, Approval

6) PERVERSE (adjective) (खोटा/ दोषी)
Meaning: (of a person or their actions) showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave
in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, often in spite of the consequences.
Key word: Per – Ver
Mnemonics: har baat par Per Ver krne vale log Uncooperative hote hai.
Synonyms: Unhelpful, Corrupt, False
Antonyms: Agreeable, Reasonable

7) INDIGNANT (adjective) (क्रोध)
Meaning: feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
Key word: In + Dig
Mnemonics: he became angry when he fell IN DIG.
Synonyms: Angry, Resentful, Displeased
Antonyms: Pleased, Cheerful

8) DEXTEROUS (adjective) (कुशल)
Meaning: demonstrating neat skill, especially with the hands.
Key word: Dexter - anyone remembers Dexter Laboratory Cartoon. Dexter was
the extremely intelligent boy in that cartoon serial.
Synonyms: Skillful, Adept, Clever
Antonyms: Unskilled, Inexpert

9) INIMICAL (adjective) (विरोधी/ हानिकर)
Meaning: tending to obstruct or harm.
Key word:  In + Mic
Mnemonics: my Opponents said against me In Mic.
Synonyms: Opponents, Opposed, Rival, Deleterious
Antonyms: Friendly, Assisting, Favorable

10) DILEMMA (noun) (दुविधा)
Meaning: a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or
more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones.
Key word: Dil + Ma
Mnemonics: I am in Dilemma or Confusion samjh ni aa raha Dil ki sunu ya Ma ki.
Synonyms: Quandry, Doubt, Perplexity
Antonyms: Solution

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

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