1) CONFLATION (कनफ्लैशन) (noun) (सम्मिश्रण)
Meaning: a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more
different things
Key word: Corn Flakes
Mnemonics: Cornflakes milk Mai MIX kr k khate hai.
Synonyms: Amalgamation, Alloy, Mixture
Antonyms: Component, Ingredient
2) PRESCIENT (प्रसिएंट) (adjective) (भविश्यदर्शी/ पूर्व ज्ञान रखने वाला)
Meaning: having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
Key word: Pre + Scene
Mnemonics: भविष्यदर्शी होने वाली घटनाओ को पहले ही देख लेते है। Farsighted people can see
Pre Scenes.
Synonyms: Visionary, Farsighted, Predictive
Antonyms: Careless, Incautious, Shortsighted
3) IMPUGN (इम्प्यून)(verb) (बहस करना/ वाद-विवाद करना)
Meaning: dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or
motive); call into question.
Key word: Pugn = Punga
Mnemonics: Punga Lene vale sabse bina baat k *Bahas karte* rehte hai.
Synonyms: Debate, Controvert
Antonyms: Agree, Support
4) APOSTLE (अपेसेल) (noun) (ईश्वरदूत)
Meaning: each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.
Key word: Angel Post
Synonyms: Messenger, Harbinger, Angel
Antonyms: Opponent, Critic
5) REPROBATE (रैप्रोबेट) (adjective) (बदमाश)
Meaning: an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately)
Key word: Rep + Rob
Mnemonics: Representative of this company is a Reprobate who robbed
Synonyms: Miscreant, Scoundrel
Antonyms: Honest, Principled
6) CHASTENING (चेसनिंग) (verb) (दंड देना/ सज़ा देना)
Meaning: (of a reproof or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating
effect on.
Key word: Caste
Mnemonics: Caste caste krne Valo Ko Saja Deni chahiye.
Synonyms: Punish, Penalize
Antonyms: Compensatory, Acquitting
7) MALFEASANCE (मेलफ़ेजेन्स) (noun) (दुराचार)
Meaning: wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Key word: Maal Fasana
Mnemonics: kisi ka maal fasana is a Wrongdoing.
Synonyms: Misconduct, Mistreatment, Malpractice
Antonyms: Good behaviour, Goodness
8) PEDANTIC (पेडेंटिक) (noun) (पंडिताऊ)
Meaning: of or like a pedant.
Key word: Pandit
Synonyms: Doctrinaire, Donnish, Scholastic
Antonyms: plain, informal, unscholarly
Antonyms: plain, informal, unscholarly
9) BELEAGUER (बीलीगर) (verb) (घेर लेना/ अवरोध करना)
Meaning: lay seige to
Key word: Be + League (group)
Mnemonics: Be League(group) and seize them .
Synonyms: Surround, Enlace, Beset
Antonyms: Release, Liberate
10) RECALCITRANT (रीकैलसीट्रैंट) (adjective)
(आज्ञा ना माननेवाला)
Meaning: having an obstinately
uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
Key word: Recall +
Trainee (Trant)
Mnemonics: Manager Recall
his Trainee but he is very Intractable or Arrogant.
Synonyms: Disobedient,
Antonyms: Obedient,