Thursday, 31 August 2017


1) CONFLATION (कनफ्लैशन) (noun) (सम्मिश्रण)
Meaning: a distinct entity formed by the combining of two or more different things
Key word: Corn Flakes
Mnemonics: Cornflakes milk Mai MIX  kr k khate hai.
Synonyms: Amalgamation, Alloy, Mixture
Antonyms: Component, Ingredient

2) PRESCIENT (प्रसिएंट) (adjective) (भविश्यदर्शी/ पूर्व ज्ञान रखने वाला)
Meaning: having or showing knowledge of events before they take place.
Key word: Pre + Scene
Mnemonics: भविष्यदर्शी होने वाली घटनाओ को पहले ही देख लेते है। Farsighted people can see Pre Scenes.
Synonyms: Visionary, Farsighted, Predictive
Antonyms: Careless, Incautious, Shortsighted

3) IMPUGN (इम्प्यून)(verb) (बहस करना/ वाद-विवाद करना)
Meaning: dispute the truth, validity, or honesty of (a statement or motive); call into question.
Key word: Pugn = Punga
Mnemonics: Punga Lene vale sabse bina baat k *Bahas karte* rehte hai.
Synonyms: Debate, Controvert
Antonyms: Agree, Support

4) APOSTLE (अपेसेल) (noun) (ईश्वरदूत)
Meaning: each of the twelve chief disciples of Jesus Christ.
Key word: Angel Post
Synonyms: Messenger, Harbinger, Angel
Antonyms: Opponent, Critic

5) REPROBATE (रैप्रोबेट) (adjective) (बदमाश)
Meaning: an unprincipled person (often used humorously or affectionately)
Key word: Rep + Rob
Mnemonics: Representative of this company is a Reprobate who robbed everyone.
Synonyms: Miscreant, Scoundrel
Antonyms: Honest, Principled

6) CHASTENING (चेसनिंग) (verb) (दंड देना/ सज़ा देना)
Meaning: (of a reproof or misfortune) have a restraining or moderating effect on.
Key word: Caste
Mnemonics: Caste caste krne Valo Ko Saja Deni chahiye.
Synonyms: Punish, Penalize
Antonyms: Compensatory, Acquitting

7) MALFEASANCE (मेलफ़ेजेन्स) (noun) (दुराचार)
Meaning: wrongdoing, especially by a public official.
Key word: Maal Fasana
Mnemonics: kisi ka maal fasana is a Wrongdoing.
Synonyms: Misconduct, Mistreatment, Malpractice
Antonyms: Good behaviour, Goodness

8) PEDANTIC (पेडेंटिक) (noun) (पंडिताऊ)
Meaning: of or like a pedant.
Key word: Pandit
Synonyms: Doctrinaire, Donnish, Scholastic
Antonyms: plain, informal, unscholarly

9) BELEAGUER (बीलीगर) (verb) (घेर लेना/ अवरोध करना)
Meaning: lay seige to
Key word: Be + League (group)
Mnemonics: Be League(group) and seize them .
Synonyms: Surround, Enlace, Beset
Antonyms: Release, Liberate

10) RECALCITRANT (रीकैलसीट्रैंट(adjective) (आज्ञा ना माननेवाला)
Meaning: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
Key word: Recall + Trainee (Trant)
Mnemonics: Manager Recall his Trainee but he is very Intractable or Arrogant.
Synonyms: Disobedient, Indocile
Antonyms: Obedient, Cooperative

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

Wednesday, 30 August 2017


1) VALEDICTORY (adjective) (विदा का/ आशीर्वादात्मक)
Meaning: pertaining to a farewell
Key word: Vale + Dictator
Mnemonics: purane Vale Dictator ki aaj Farewell party hai.
Synonyms: Farewell, Goodbye
Antonyms: Welcome, Introductory

2) MEDIOCRE (adjective) (साधारण)
Meaning: of only moderate quality; not very good.
Key word: Medimix soap or Cream
Mnemonics: Medimix Soap and Cream are very common.
Synonyms: Original, General, Common
Antonyms: Exceptional, Outstanding, Extraordinary

3) WHISKER (noun) (मूँछ/ मामूली या संकीर्ण राशि)
Meaning: a very small amount.
Key word: Risk Whisk (रिस्क व्हिस्क)
Mnemonics: He took a Risk in his business and escaped narrowly or by a whisker.
Synonyms: Moustache, Small, Shrink
Antonyms: Huge, Big

4) TRITE (adjective) (घिसा-पिटा)
Meaning: (of a remark, opinion, or idea) overused and consequently of little
 import; lacking originality or freshness.
Key word: TRITE = Try It
Mnemonics: whenever we asked someone's opinion or idea they always gave
 lots of ideas and said Try it or it or it... it's really a TRITE dialogue.
Synonyms: Silly, Exhausted, Old, Stereotyped
Antonyms: Impressive, Important, Desirable

5) PROMULGATE (verb) (घोषणा करना)
Meaning: promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Key word: Promo
Mnemonics: Film makers Film ka Promo dikha kar film ki releasing date ki घोषणा करते है।
Synonyms: Declare, Announce, Annunciator
Antonyms: Conceal, Hide

6) DERELICTION (noun) (त्याग/ कर्तव्य का त्याग)
Meaning: the state of having been abandoned and become dilapidated.
Key word: Der + Elect
Mnemonics: Der se aane vale employees ko elect kr k Company unka त्याग kar deti hai.
Synonyms: Neglect, Abandoned, Abdication
Antonyms: Retention, Fulfilment

7) AMENABLE (adjective) (उत्तरदायी/ जवाबदेही)
Meaning: (of a person) open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.
Key word: Enable
Mnemonics: I admit that I enabled internet services and I am Responsible for its outcomes.
Synonyms: Responsible, Answerable, Chargeable
Antonyms: Disobedient, Intractable

8) INTERMINABLE (adjective) (अनंत)
Meaning: endless
Key word: opposite of Terminable
Synonyms: Everlasting, Endless, Eternal
Antonyms: Ending, Finite, Terminable

9) AMBIENT (adjective) (व्यापक)
Meaning: of or relating to the immediate surroundings of something.
Key word: Ambar = Sky
Mnemonics: Ambar(Sky) is Ambient.
Synonyms: Vast, Comprehensive, Extensive
Antonyms: Limited, Narrow

10) EFFIGY (noun) (पुतला/ प्रतिमा)
Meaning: a sculpture or model of a person.
Key word: Egg
Mnemonics: He made a Model or Statue by Eggs.
Synonyms: Mannequin, Statue, Idol, Clone
Antonyms: Original

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


1) ABEYANCE (दुविधा, लटकाव)
Key word: Abey + Answer
Mnemonics: Abhi ne apne frnd se kaha Abey Answer bata mai दुविधा (confuse) mai hu.
Synonyms: Dilemma, Doubt, Suspence
Antonyms: Continuation, Activity

2) EXCULPATE (सफाइ देना/ दोष मुक्त करना) - Show or declare that someone
is not guilty of wrongdoing
Key word: Excuse me + Explain  + Culprit (दोषी)
Mnemonics: Excuse me I can Explain I am not Culprit.
Synonyms: Exonerate, Acquit
Antonyms: Charge, Convict

3) DECRY (दोष लगाना/ निंदा करना)
Key word: Cry + Criticize
Mnemonics: Our opponents can only cry and criticize us.
हमारे विरोधी सिर्फ रो रो कर (Cry) हमारी निंदा कर सकते है।
Synonyms: Denounce, Condemn, Criticize
Antonyms: Praise, Admire

4) ALACRITY (फुर्ती/ उत्साह)
Key word: ALARM in CITY
Mnemonics: a) People of this City are very Active or Enthusiastic because they used Alarm.
(Assume alakriti is a name)
b)  Alakriti (Alacrity) apni Kala dikhane k liye bahut utsaahit hai.
Synonyms: Alert, Ready, Enthusiastic
Antonyms: Dull, Lethargic

5) EXCERPT (अंश/ भाग)
Key word: EXERcise and PT
Mnemonics: i- Exercise and PT are PARTS of physical training.
ii- Do 1st and 2nd Exercise (part) of this chapter.
Synonyms: Part, Fragment, Section
Antonyms: Whole, All

6) METTLESOME (adjective) (वीर/ साहसी)
Meaning: (of a person or animal) 
Key word: Mettle 
Mnemonics: Mettle bht strong hote hai.
Synonyms: Brave, Strong, Courageous
Antonyms: Coward

7) ARDUOUS (कठिन)

Key word: HARD + OUS
Mnemonics: this work is HARD for OUS.
Synonyms: Herculean, Difficult, Cumbersome, Ponderous
Antonyms: Easy, Convenient

8) SPUR (उछाल)
Key word: Spring
Mnemonics: Spring par Sab chiz uchal (उछल) jati hai .
Synonyms: Trigger, Stimulate, Fire up
Antonyms: Slow down, Deceleration

SULTRY (noun) (उमसदार)

Meaning: (of the air or weather) hot and humid.
Key word: Sun + Try
Mnemonics: Sun is Trying to make atmosphere more Sticky.
Synonyms: Humid, Airless, Sticky
Antonyms: Cool, Freezing, Cold

 STYMIE (verb) (गतिरोधरोकना)

Meaning: prevent or hinder the progress of.
Key word: ST (speed test)
Mnemonics: Bad network ki vjh se ST beech mai hi ruk gai.
Synonyms: Obstruct, Hang up
Antonyms: Forward, Allow

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

Tuesday, 22 August 2017


1) ANODYNE (adjective) (पीड़ा नाशक)
Meaning: a painkilling drug or medicine.
Key word: Sensodyne toothpaste
Mnemonics: Sensodyne  toothpaste soothes toothache.
Synonyms: Calmant, Anetic
Antonyms: Poisonous, Venomous

2) CARPING (verb) (अवगुण ढूंढने वाला)
Meaning: complain or find fault continually, typically about trivial matters
Key word: CAR + PIN
Mnemonics: jisne bhi mere Car k tyres mai Pin laga kar hawa nikali hai mai uski police Complaint karunga.
Synonyms: Captious, Fault finding, Hypercritical
Antonyms: Charitable, Forgiving

3) ENERVATE (verb) (कमजोर बनाना)
Meaning: cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality; weaken
Key word: ENERGY + ATE (2nd form of eat)
Mnemonics: I forgot to extract cell from camaera and it Ate cell's Energy.
Synonyms: Exhaust, Weaken, Devitalize
Antonyms: Charge, Electrify, Refresh

4) EXECRABLE (adjective) (घृणास्पद)
Meaning: extremely bad; unsatisfactory or unpleasant
Key word: Exam + Crack + Able
Mnemonics: IBPS changed the mains pattern it's awful and candidate thinks that they are not Able to Crack the Exam.
Synonyms: Atrocious, Awful, Horrible
Antonyms: Acceptable, Wonderful, Excellent

5) SALUBRIOUS (adjective) (स्वस्थ/ तंदरुस्त)
Meaning: healthy, health giving
Key wors: Sallu (Salu) Bhai(Bro)
Mnemonics: Sallu bhai is Healthy.
Synonyms: Flourishing, Healthy, Hygienic
Antonyms: Noxious, Unhealthy

6) RECALCITRANT (adjective) (आज्ञा ना मानने वाला)
Meaning: having an obstinately uncooperative attitude towards authority or discipline
Key word: Recall + Trainee (Trant)
Mnemonics: Manager Recall his Trainee but he is very Intractable or Arrogant.
Synonyms: Disobedient, Indocile
Antonyms: Obedient, Cooperative

7) FATUOUS (adjective) (बुद्घिहीन/ मुर्ख)
Meaning: silly and pointless
Key word: Fat
Mnemonics: Idiot/ Stupid log oily items kha kha k apna fat bdha lete hai.
Synonyms: Silly, Foolish, Idiotic
Antonyms: Intelligent, Stupendous

8) ONEROUS (adjective) (कष्टदायक)
Meaning: of a task, duty or responsibility involving an amount of effort and
difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.
Key word: One + Rough
Mnemonics: One Rough comment on your failure is Hard to listen or tolerate.
Synonyms: Burdensome, Cumbersome, Difficult
Antonyms: Easy, Effortless

9) OBSEQUIOUS (adjective) (चापलूस/ खुशामदी)
Meaning: Obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
Key word: Ab Se Queue
Mnemonics: Ab Se Chaaploos logo Ko Queue Mai khade hone ki need nai hai.
Vo Chaaploosi kr k hi apna kaam karva lete hai.
Synonyms: Sneaky, Servile, Faltterer
Antonyms: Superior, Arrogant

10) IMPECUNIOUS (adjective) (गरीब/ निर्धन)
Meaning: having little or no money
Key word: I Am (M) Pack (Pec)
Mnemonics: I have no Money now I am Packing my luggage to go back to my home.
Synonyms: Penniless, Poor
Antonyms: Rich, Affluent

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

Monday, 21 August 2017


1) SPIES (जासूस/ मुखबिर)
Meaning: a person who secretly collects and reports information on the activities, movements,
and plans of an enemy or competitor.
Key word: Spy Camera
Mnemonics: Spy camera works like a Detective.
Synonyms: Spy, Agent, Detective
2) JIBE (हँसी उड़ाना/ चिढ़ाना/ ताना मारना)
Meaning: an insulting remark that is intended to make someone looks stupid.
Key word: Jeb (pocket)
Mnemonics: Jiske Jeb(Pocket) mai paise ni hote sab uska Majak Udhate/ Taana Maarte  hai.
Synonyms: Taunt, Gibe, Mockery, Innuendo
Antonyms: Praise, Admire

 3) RAMMED (verb) (कूटना/ पीटकर समतल बनाना)
Meaning: roughly force (something) into place.
Key word: Ram + Mud (मिट्टी)
Mnemonics: Ram ने Mud को कूट कूट कर समतल कर दिया।
Synonyms: Stab, Push, Force
Antonyms: Help, Protect, Uncompress

 4) REPERCUSSION (noun)  (प्रतिक्रिया)
Meaning: an unintended consequence occurring some time after an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.
Key word: Reper (Toffee Rapper) + Cussion (Cushion)
Mnemonics: Toffee k Rappar Ko press krne par usme se noisy (unpleasant) sound aati hai.
Synonyms: Consequence, Result, Outcome
Antonyms: Cause, Beginning, Origin

 5) TANDEM (adjective) (मिलकर)
Meaning: having two things arranged one in front of the other.
key word: Ten Dam
Mnemonics: TEN DAMS k water se milkar electricity generate hui.
Synonyms: Arrangement, Team, Pair
Antonyms: Single

 6) ABJECT (adjective) (दयनीय/ हतोत्साह)
Meaning: (of a situation or condition) extremely bad, unpleasant, and degrading.
Key word: Ab+ Reject
Mnemonics: mera ye project bhi Ab Reject ho gaya now I am in Miserable situation.
Synonyms: Pitiful, Hopeless, Miserable
Antonyms: Happy, Commendable

 7) NABBED (verb) (रोकना/ अपराध करते समय पकड़ लेना)
Meaning: catch (someone) doing something wrong.
Key word: NAB=BAN (names) + BED
Mnemonics: Nab ne Ban ko Bed churate hue Pakda.
Synonyms: Seize, Catch, Arrest
Antonyms: Release, Free, Liberate

 8) INEBRIATED (verb) (नशे मे धुत)
Meaning: make (someone) drunk,intoxicate
Key word: IN + E (English)+ BAR
Mnemonics: In English Bar everyone was Dunked.
Synonyms: Drunken,Intoxicated
Antonyms: Teetotaler, Dry, Cool
Use: Inebriated people should not drive the car it could become the reason of road accident.

 9) STALKER (noun) (शिकारी/ दबे पाँव पीछा करने वाला)
Meaning: a person who stealthily hunts or pursue an animal or another person
Mnemonics: Shhh don't Talk Shikaari chup chap shikaar krte hai.
Synonyms: Hunter, pursuer, tracker, chaser
Antonyms: avoider, discourager, shunner 

10) UNRELENTING (adjective) (बेरहम/ निर्दय)
Meaning: not yielding in strength,severity or determination
Key word: Opposite of Relent(तरस खाना)
Mnemonics: Unrelent log bht Nirdayi hote hai.
Synonyms: Unmerciful, Brutal, Inflexible
Antonyms: Kind, Lenient, Gentle

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends

Monday, 14 August 2017


As we all know IBPS PO Pattern is changed and Descriptive is added in mains. So here is some Essay PDF's for practice. But don't rely on these essays these are just for practice. Nobody knows which topic you will get in exam. So start your practice by writing one para daily on any topic. 

Essay 5


It's a hight time for all the Aspirants who were looking for IBPS PO notification.

Online Registration Date: 16-08-2017 to 05-09-2017
Online Pre exam: 7,8,14,15-10-2017
Online Main exam: 26-11-2017

 Download Official Advertisement

Sunday, 13 August 2017


1) DISGRUNTLED (adjective) (असंतुष्ट/ गुस्सेल/ चिड़चिड़ा/ ख़फ़ा)
Meaning: angry or dissatisfied
Key word: Indians are not satisfied  with  This (DIS) RUN rate of Indian batsman.
Synonyms: Grumpy, Annoyed, Dissatisfied
Antonyms: Contented, Pleased, Satisfied
Use: Public was disgruntled and enraged by the sudden announcement of demonetization.

2) PROTRACTED (adjective) (दीर्घ/ फैला हुआ)
Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or usual
Key word: Pro + Trac (Truck)
Mnemonics: Pro company ka Truck lambe samay (दीर्घ काल) tk chalta hai.
Synonyms: Prolong, Scattered, Enduring
Antonyms: Decrease, Diminish, Lessen
Use: Miscreants didn't leave any proof of murder which made the investigation protracted.

3) SKIRMISH (noun) (झड़प/ लड़ाई)
Meaning: an episode of irregular or unpremeditated fighting, especially between small or outlying parts of armies or fleets.
Key word: Skirt + Dish
Mnemonics: Skirt par Dish girne se usne Ladai Jhagda start kr diya.
Synonyms: Battle, fight, Clash
Antonyms: Peace, Calm, Harmony
Use: Incidents of skirmishing along the border is increasing day by day.

4) REMNANTS (noun) (अवशेष)
Meaning: a small remaining quantity of something
Key word: Ram + Ants
Mnemonics: Ram ne Ants k Avshesh samhaal k rakhe.
Synonyms : Remains, Remainder, Residue
Antonyms: Whole, Core, Base
Use: Remnants go on sale next week.

5) EXCAVATED (verb) (खोदना/ खोखला करना)
Meaning: make (a hole or channel) by digging
Key words: Experts (EX) + CAVE
Synonyms: Experts ne Cave ki khudaai krne k order diya.
Antonyms: Cover, Fill
Use: We need to excavate some area to sow seeds here.

6) RANCOR (noun) (द्वेष/ मनमुटाव)
Meaning: bitterness or resentfulness, especially when long-standing
Key word: Rancho ki class mai 1st Rank aane se dono dosto mai Manmutaav ho gaya.
Synonyms: Bitterness, Hatred, Resentment
Antonyms: Friendliness, Liking, Love
Use: We should ignore small disputes otherwise it could become the reason of rancour.

7) SOUVENIRS (noun) (स्मृति चिन्ह/ यादगार)
Meaning: a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place or event.
Key word: SUV
Mnemonics: SUV jiske pass hoti hai log use hamesha yaad rakhte hai. SUV use yaadgaar bana deti hai.
Synonyms: Memorial, Reminder, plaques
Use: I kept all the friendship bands of my friends as souvenirs of our friendship.
Antonyms: anecdote

8) ORDEAL (noun) (कठिन परीक्षा/ परख़)
Meaning: a painful or horrific experience , especially a protracted one
Key word: Order or Deal
Mnemonics: एक बड़े order या deal cancel होने के बाद ही इंसान के हौंसले की परख होती है।
Synonyms: Probation, Torture, Distress
Antonyms: Comfort, Contentment, Pleasure

9) INTERDICT (verb) (प्रतिबंध लगाना)
Meaning: prohibit or forbid (something)
Key word: Inter + Dictation
Mnemonics: Principal ne Inter (12th) mai dictation bolne par Pratibandh Lagaya.
Synonyms: Prohibit, Forbid, Ban
Antonyms: Allow, Permit

10) HARROWING (adjective) (दुखद/ शोकजनक)
Meaning: acutely distressing
Key word: Harrow = Sorrow
Synonyms: Painful, Traumatic, Heartrending
Antonyms: Pleasant, Soothing
Use: Death of Children in gorakhpur is very Harrowing.

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