Monday, 19 March 2018


In this post you’ll learn new tricks to memorize all Mania’s without any doubt and confusion . 

MANIA (मोह/ लगाव/ तीव्र इच्छा)
(Mental illness marked by periods of great excitement, euphoria, delusions, and over activity)

1) AGROMANIA (अकेले रहना या खुले में  रहना)
Meaning: an abnormal desire to live alone, especially in an isolated area.
Learning Trick: I love to sit alone in an open field.

2) ANTHOMANIA (फूलों से लगाव)
Meaning: an extravagant passion for flowers or an extreme love for flowers.
Learning Trick: I love smell of mentha flower. I am flower’s lover that’s why I wore flowers dress on my wedding.

3) BIBLIOMANIA (किताबों का संग्रह करना )
Meaning: passionate enthusiasm for collecting and possessing books.
Learning Trick: Love to read and collect Bible and other  books.

4) CYNOMANIA (कुत्तों से लगाव)
Meaning: a passion for dogs.
Learning Trick: CYNO – it’s related to dogs.  An abnormal love of dogs.

5) DEMOMANIA (भीड़ का)
Meaning: a mania for crowds.
Learning Trick: Marketing vale jaha Crowd dekhte hai Demo dena start kar dete hai.

6) DIPSOMANIA (शराब/ मदिरापान की तीव्र इच्छा)
Meaning: an uncontrollable craving for alcohol liquors.
Learning Trick: After doing Dips he always needs Alcohol. Because he is Alcoholic.

7) DROMOMANIA (भ्रमण करने की तीव्र इच्छा)
Meaning: an intense desire to wander or travel.
Learning Trick: Drone = Drones wander here and there to observe all activities.

8) ENTHEOMANIA (धार्मिक क्रियाकलापों की)
Meaning: a mania for religion.
Learning Trick: ENTHEO (Latin word) - Divinely Inspired

9) ERGOMANIA (काम करने की इच्छा )
Meaning: an excessive desire to work or exercise.
Learning Trick: ERGE (Urge) + Exercise
He always Urge to do more Exercise.

10) HIPPOMANIA (घोड़ों से लगाव)
Meaning: a mania for horses.
Learning Trick: I always fight with my friend because he likes Hippo and I like Horses.

11) KLEPTOMANIA (चोरी करने की)
Meaning: a recurring urge to steal, typically without regard for need or profit.
Learning Trick: He stole things of others and Kept (klept) them with him whether he need it or not.

12) LOGOMANIA (बात करने की) 
Meaning: abnormal talkativeness.
Learning Trick: Logo ko dekhte hi vo Bak Bak karna start kr deta hai. He starts talking abnormally when he see more people (log).

13) MEGALOMANIA (दुसरो को नियंत्रण करने की)
Meaning: an unnaturally strong wish for power and control, or the belief that you are very much more important and powerful than you really are
Learning Trick: Boss ne kaha Megha Lo ye work karo. Boss said, Megha do this work.

14) MELOMANIA (संगीत से लगाव/ मोह)
Meaning: great enthusiasm for music.
Learning Trick: MELO (music/songs) = Melody songs

15) NOSTOMANIA (घर में रहने का लगाव)
Meaning: great enthusiasm for music. intense homesickness or an irresistible compulsion to return home. 
Learning Trick: He always say No whenever his friends (Dost) asking for hangout because he love to stay at home.  

Happy learning and keep sharing with your friends