ACUTE (अ-क्यूट) (adjective) (तीव्र/विकट/नोकीला )
Meaning: (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.
Key word: A + CUT
Mnemonics: Sharp knife se meri finger mai ek (A) Cut lag gaya.
Synonyms: Sharp, Intense, Critical
Antonyms: Mild, Negligible, Blunt
Meaning: (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree.
Key word: A + CUT
Mnemonics: Sharp knife se meri finger mai ek (A) Cut lag gaya.
Synonyms: Sharp, Intense, Critical
Antonyms: Mild, Negligible, Blunt
ACUMEN (ऐ-क्यू-मेन) (noun) (कुशाग्र बुद्धि)
Meaning: the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain.
Key word: I + Q (CU) + MAN
Mnemonics: IQ Level of this Man is very high.
Synonyms: Shrewdness, Cleverness, Sharp minded,Acuity
Antonyms: Stupidity, Denseness, Bluntness
Meaning: the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions, typically in a particular domain.
Key word: I + Q (CU) + MAN
Mnemonics: IQ Level of this Man is very high.
Synonyms: Shrewdness, Cleverness, Sharp minded,Acuity
Antonyms: Stupidity, Denseness, Bluntness
ABNEGATE (ऐब-नी-गैट)
(verb) (अस्वीकार करना/ त्याग करना)
Meaning: renounce or reject (something desired or valuable).
Key word: NEGATE (इनकार करना)
Synonyms: Decline, Abstain, Reject
Antonyms: Accept, Acknowledge, Admit
4) COERCE (को-अर्स) (verb) (मजबूर करना)
Meaning: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
Key word: Coerce = Force
Mnemonics: Coerce is sounds like Force
Synonyms: Force, Push, Pressurize
Antonyms: Allow, Persuade, Let go
Meaning: renounce or reject (something desired or valuable).
Key word: NEGATE (इनकार करना)
Synonyms: Decline, Abstain, Reject
Antonyms: Accept, Acknowledge, Admit
4) COERCE (को-अर्स) (verb) (मजबूर करना)
Meaning: persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats.
Key word: Coerce = Force
Mnemonics: Coerce is sounds like Force
Synonyms: Force, Push, Pressurize
Antonyms: Allow, Persuade, Let go
EXPIATE (एक्स-पियेट) (VERB) (प्रयाश्चित्त करना)
Meaning: atone for (guilt or sin)
Key word: Ex + Pia
Mnemonics: I cheated to Pia, my Ex gf. Now I want to atone.
Synonyms: Regret, Compensate, Amend
Antonyms: Blame, Punish
Meaning: atone for (guilt or sin)
Key word: Ex + Pia
Mnemonics: I cheated to Pia, my Ex gf. Now I want to atone.
Synonyms: Regret, Compensate, Amend
Antonyms: Blame, Punish
CONNIVANCE (कीनाई-वेन्स)
(noun) (मौन सहमति)
Meaning: willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing, especially an immoral or illegal act.
Key word: Con- Van
Mnemonics: Van Con chalayega ye sunte hi sab Chup / Maun ho gaye.
Synonyms: Mute, Secret approval, Involvement
Antonyms: Neglect, Ignore
Meaning: willingness to secretly allow or be involved in wrongdoing, especially an immoral or illegal act.
Key word: Con- Van
Mnemonics: Van Con chalayega ye sunte hi sab Chup / Maun ho gaye.
Synonyms: Mute, Secret approval, Involvement
Antonyms: Neglect, Ignore
7) DISMAL (डिज़मल) (adjective) (निराशाजनक)
Meaning: depressing,
Key word: Dismiss
Mnemonics: Dismiss hone
par sab Upset ho jate hai.
Synonyms: Gloomy,
Cheerless, Unhappy
Antonyms: Happy,
8) RECUSE (रि-क्यूज़)(verb) (अस्वीकार करना)
Meaning: to disqualify (oneself) as a judge.
Key word: Recuse sounds
like Refuse
Synonyms: Disqualify,
Antonyms: Accept,
PROXIMITY (प्रॉक्सी-मिटि) (noun) (निकटता)
Meaning: nearness in space, time or relationship.
Key word: Approximate
Mnemonics: Proximity is sounds like Approx.
Synonyms: Closeness, Nearness, Juxtaposition
Antonyms: Distance, Remoteness, Gap
Meaning: nearness in space, time or relationship.
Key word: Approximate
Mnemonics: Proximity is sounds like Approx.
Synonyms: Closeness, Nearness, Juxtaposition
Antonyms: Distance, Remoteness, Gap
PRUDENT (प्रियु-डेंट)(adj.)
(विवेकी / बुद्धिमान)
Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Key word: Proud + Student
Mnemonics: Teachers always have Proud on Intelligent Students.
Synonyms: Sensible, Smart, Clever, Discreet, Rational
Antonyms: Imprudent, Foolish, Irrational
Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.
Key word: Proud + Student
Mnemonics: Teachers always have Proud on Intelligent Students.
Synonyms: Sensible, Smart, Clever, Discreet, Rational
Antonyms: Imprudent, Foolish, Irrational
NUANCE (न्यू-आँस)
(noun) (अति सूक्ष्म अंतर)
Meaning: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression or sound.
Key word: Nuance- न्यून
Synonyms: Minor difference, Shading, Subtlety, Nicety
Meaning: a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression or sound.
Key word: Nuance- न्यून
Synonyms: Minor difference, Shading, Subtlety, Nicety